Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three

Let's Get Lost 45 - Season 2: Three Minutes

Oceanic Three Season 2 Episode 23

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Ever find yourself chuckling through a cold, or is that just us? This week, our voices might be raspy, but our spirits are high as we explore the intricate maze of "Lost" in the episode "Three Minutes." Amanda, Theresa, and Kip bring our usual blend of humour and insight to dissect Michael's frantic mission to retrieve his son from the enigmatic Others. As we break down the episode's finer points, we keep things light with a running tally of bizarre nicknames and share behind-the-scenes trivia that'll have you see Michael and Walt in a new light. 

As we unfold this narrative, you'll find echoes of your own moments of desperation and the human quest for a silver lining. We weave personal tales into our conversation, with Theresa taking us back to her film class days and Amanda probing into her own foray into film-making. Whether you're a die-hard "Lost" fan or a lover of life's dramatic ironies, this is an episode you won't want to miss.

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we're three best friends and we love lost and we love talking, but even more so we love talking about lost, so join us for some laughs, good conversation and let's get lost together.


Hello everybody and welcome to this week's episode of let's Get Lost. I'm your co-host, amanda, and I'm joined with Teresa and Kippy, both of who are not at their peak in terms of health, but we're going to get through it and it's going to be great.


Yes, and that's the least, okay, I mean, we just have like a cold yeah, oh yeah they're like fine, I just went in terms of like, if they don't sound perfectly the way they usually do while looking at. I think I sound sexier I mean most people do sound sexy when you're, when you got a bit of a cold.


Yeah, and I've got I've got one nostril plug, so it's like it's really given me like a Additional. Yeah, additional rasp, if you will.


I think it's going to make it extra fun to talk about this particular episode with Teresa sounding like extra moody and like dark and mysterious, because I'm sure she has many thoughts on this episode, like the rest of us do.


I have no thoughts.


I know you definitely have thoughts, but here's what we're going to be talking about Three Minutes written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, directed by Stephen Williams. A determined Michael convinces Jack and several castaways to help him rescue Walt from the others. Charlie struggles with Mr Echo's decision to discontinue building the church.




I mean Succinct enough.


I guess that's kind of setting us up for some feelings that everyone has.


Yeah, yeah, okay, all right. Well, here let's get into the facts and the trivia facts this is going to be one of those episodes where we have lots to say, but it's all going to be very similar and it's very negative.


Yeah, yeah, that's a fair assumption all right.


So episode 22 8.4 out of 10. Imdb rating 14.67 million viewers nice, we had a nickname count of seven. However, I am counting some of the ones from the I guess you can call them flashbacks or whatever. So we had zeke doc, freckles, pippi long, stocking grape ape I don't even know what that means. Me neither, and I'm counting the Dirty Dozen. That's like a nickname because he's calling the group, and then Captain Arab, which was unfortunate. Amanda looks like she can't remember.


Okay, wait, what were they again? Oh my god.


Okay, zeke, doc Freckles, pippi Longstocking, grape Ape, the Dirty Dozen and Captain Arab.


Do we count him saying we should take the red beret here with us?


Yeah, I faltered on that one. I know that's what I was thinking. Yeah, I don't know like.


It's not really a nickname, I guess it's more of like a title, but it's kind of like a nickname.


It's kind of a nickname. Yeah, we'll count it. We'll up that count eight.


This is a good one, all right. On day 65 on the island and we had one knockout today. Uh, locks, or do you count that as like, because technically, alex knocks?


I'm not counting out. Maybe that is when I'm counting and then michael knocks lockout.


But technically that happened in a different episode.


Right, I mean technically. I think they both those happened in.


But we didn't see the Alex and Michael one before. That's true.


I think I was counting the Michael Alex one.


That's fair. That's what I was. That's what I would do as well. Yeah, okay.


All righty, do as well. Yeah, okay, I'm writing. Do you got any trivia? Yeah, I got a few questions of trivia are you ready?


no, do you have a sound?


I've decided to abandon my previous sound good, I think it's time for something, yeah I have one, but I don't like it. It sounds kind of rude okay, well, I'm very interested now. I hope. I hope you have you got no quotes now Remember attempt to some of these answers. Okay, Question number one when miss clue says they have three minutes, how much time do they actually have together?




You know it's weird, Mine was also going to be boat.


Yeah, uh, 30 seconds.


No 30 seconds.


No 108 minutes.


That's a long time.


Or 108 seconds Jesus.


They were together for like five seconds, so like a minute and a bit.


Well, a minute and 15 seconds, yeah, not three minutes.


Well, walt kind of fucked that up, to be honest, he did, yeah, he might have had three minutes. Walt kind of fucked that up, to be honest, he did, yeah, three minutes he might have.


Yeah, it was definitely walt's fault. Where did the writing duo of this episode, edward kitsis and adam horowitz, meet? I got nothing, I don't know in their intro to film class at the university of wisconsin that's so cute and they write everything together.


That's adorable. I wish I had met someone in my intro to writing class.




The film class you mean.


Intro to film class.




Did you ever finish that class? Yes, I started and I dropped out because you had to make your own film. I thought we were just going to study films. I didn't want to make my own.


Did you make your own?


Yeah yeah, it was called a ticket out of here. How come I've never seen this? I I have to find it. Yeah, but it's a. It's about this guy who um segue. It's about this guy who gets fired from his job and then um goes to like the. He gets like a pink slip, he's, he's fired and he was supposed to pick up milk for his family and his kids. He didn't. So he goes to the store and he decides to buy a lottery ticket, but someone like cuts in front of him and buys the lottery ticket and they win a bunch of money shit does he murder them, so he tries to like fight them for it to be like that's supposed to be mine and the guy's like no, it's mine, like I bought it.


He's like but you cut me, like that was gonna be mine. Then they take it outside and then he decides that like he's just, he's just done with life well, because it's called a ticket out of here. So then the in the last scene you see him at, uh uh, the greyhound station oh, he's getting out oh, I thought.


I thought it was gonna be darker and he's getting a ticket off this planet. No, no, no, no, that's dark. No, no, no, it's kind of all dark it was all about film For student films.


Yeah, oh yeah, Typically quite dark.


Right Like it's a silent film, oh wow.


How did they argue? I guess you can't, because this is audio.


Yeah, I don't know emphatic gesturing and pointing, so we're trying to describe a silent film on a radio voice. I will say, my favorite part about filming it, though, was like we had a couple night shoots, and like he had, I remember I had, like my mom's dodge neon as like oh I love those the like vehicle that he drove and we were trying to get like a good shot of like a car backing up and like leaving him like kind of crumpled and beat up on the ground.


And our instructor happened to be there for that shooting and we were like we can't get it right because, like the lights are too bright and he's like, oh, I have the best solution for you, take whips out two big flashlights, puts them on my shoulders, and then he's like just back up slowly and then like slowly tilt down, and it looked completely the same, it was the same. Wow, little trick same trick the trade without the bright blinding.


That's cool yeah, and I mean like that is cool, like that you can take those kind of classes and do that kind of stuff I just didn't want to put the effort into that and be real with you. I just wanted to watch movies and then talk about how cool they were I never was in a film class whoa, but that's not true. I was producing for film. That was a fun university together that was a fun one.


I did do some acting for student films, though when I was in university are you serious? Yeah, I remember I shot a few for for a few little other students there, which one I don't think I knew you when you were in your film class, though, no, I took intro to film my first year. All right, okay, well, we're anxiously waiting to see a ticket out of here. Question number three how many episodes of season two did that duo write?


About three episodes of season two did that?


duo right boat, three, close, incorrect, four, correct, four. Okay, let me try to argue in your mind between two and four. Yeah, I was, I'm like two or four, but then also, what sound am I going to make?


They just abandoned all of it together.


I abandoned the sound and I abandoned two and I went with four.


It worked in your favor. You got it right.


The only one that's right.


Okay, so here's the episodes they wrote. Everybody hates Hugo.


Okay, no fire and water no.




And three minutes, oh oh, so not the popular ones are they invited back for a future episode?


they go on to write for the whole series and they do write some banger episodes this season, unfortunately is it their first season? Maybe they're just like it was their first season, I think it's probably getting your sea legs right it was the first season, I think I was gonna say it's probably getting your like sea legs right.


Yeah, it was the first season, because those were not the best and I try to like remember that, like it's not just like they were like from beginning to end, concept to script, like there's like a writer's room and the showrunners and stuff. Like it's not like they came up with, wrote the teleplay, or like wrote the episodes.


Yeah, exactly All right, so Teresa takes it for a win. And we learned a little bit about our, our writers today, and we learned a little bit about ourselves.




All right, so now let's hear it for Amanda's high level takeaway, amanda where are? You taking us today?


Okay. So I think. So I've been really watching or re-listening to our episodes too and I think that like I really lean into the characters, like where they're at, and then, like, as soon as they like disappoint me or whatever, I like kind of turn on them. So I'm trying to like more like an overarching because, like Kate was great in this episode, charlie was whatever, and I remember earlier on saying I don't, I don't mind Charlie, oh, I like Charlie, he's a good character because like at times he is, but I actually don't like him and son I remember being the son of Jin's, really like we've talked about this and then all of a sudden it's like, oh no, it's really fucking toxic and I always shit on Kate, but Kate is really really good in a lot of episodes. So I'm trying it's a it's a hard balance because like I want to take them kind of as they come, because then I think, like Kate ends up getting like a lot of credit for, like you know, being good in this episode and I'm not just like, oh, I hate her still, whatever. But then I also feel like we give a lot of benefit to people like Charlie and Sun jen in episodes where maybe we shouldn't.


So what I'm going to say is my high level takeaway is and we talked about this and you'll hear it in our upcoming well, at this point you would have already heard it interview with the director and producer of the documentary. It's an arc you know. Where they're at today is not necessarily we're going to be. You obviously have those characters like hurley that are going to be like consistent, but it's a television show. They're not supposed to be consistent. So my high level takeaway today is characters are not consistent, they are flawed. I'm going to try to be a little bit more even keeled with my assessment of them each episode and not just be like I love them, I hate them. I love them because there's lots to love and lots to hate about all of them, except for Michael. There's only things to hate, he took Vincent.


That was nice, what Remember that.


Oh, you're trying to find something to like.


He's the reason we have Vincent, that's true.


Well, I mean mean, ladies and gentlemen, what we're seeing here today is some pretty good growth from our season one, amanda, who hated kate, hate 88 I still think that I, if it push comes to shove, I would still adopt that moniker. But like here's the thing you're like. You're describing it very succinctly and perfectly. The characters are going to ebb and flow and you're right, it's not worth having just one overarching or like statement, because they change episode to episode in small ways.


And that's part of and I think Charlie today is a good example of like how, even like within the episode, yeah, like Charlie does things and doesn't really right, and we'll talk about that a bit, but it's probably what makes them more human and why we like them, why we like the show so much right, but yeah, character driven show okay, I like it dream of consciousness.


Also, I'm gonna try to do it with a similar vigor that I had watched the episode.




Three minutes Ugh Michael episode. He's such a liar. I don't care where this mofo has been. Trot my ass. You're just a liar, michael. All you do is lie. You're a fucking liar. You're fucking kidding me with this. He's already helping you, asshole. Why'd you hit him? Wait, you can turn off the computer.


Did we know that this all happened? Or did I block this out? No one's gonna stop you, asshole. Just get the fuck out of here. What are you burning? List of your bullshit.


Michael's the worst jack looks yummy yummy today. I need michael to calm the fuck down. Okay, thank you, hurley. You sweetheart, michael, you need to get to step and I, just straight up, cannot fucking deal with you. So the flashbacks for whatever he fucked, whatever the fuck he did during his time away great um, compasses don't work here. So how do you know you're going north, michael, or are you just fucking lost? Very loud, my dude. That guy's gonna the guy peen's gonna hear you. Uh, tribal tools for the win. Who needs guns? Apparently that was pretty impressive.


I mean, I'm gonna say it and I've been denying it this whole time, but I hate michael. I don. I didn't hate him before, but I actually think I hate him now. Hey, michael, maybe keep cleaning the floor and don't just watch Echo. Do it. Maybe be useful, maybe clean up the blood you spilled, maybe do anything else.


God, I hate Michael. Something is wrong here. I'm just being very insistent on just it, just being these. Oh, I just understood what he was burning anyway. Something is wrong. He's very insistent on just being these folks. He's frantically insistent. Oh, geez, no, charlie, should you really decide who gets a mystery vaccine? Maybe ask the doctor, if that's cool. Also, don't just shoot yourself up randomly. How weird. I don't like. How happy everyone is to see michael.


Who's this mystery woman with a bag on her head? Oh, it's Kate, okay, okay, okay, I figured out what's going on. I know what's up. I like that Sawyer doesn't hesitate to help when it's necessary, like he's not giving anyone a hard time, he's just straight up. He just straight up took Jack to where the guns were. No fuss, no muss, okay, yeah, I didn't think Saeed would want to be left out and when you think of who's going like, I love hurley, but he's not exactly a sniper, if that makes sense. I will say this is kind of shitty for charlie. His whole purpose on this island is just gone in one fell swoop.


Okay, yeah, michael, you can't really be shocked that someone told saeed, like old saeed, like he knows what's up more than the rest of you with this kind of thing, you know, I think he's been in a war before. Michael, if they're marching you, then they're walking the same amount as you, so stop your bitching. But they're also trying to drag your ass around. Oh my god, what's happening to me? Why am I defending the others? Wait, who is her? Is that how you take blood, man? That seems aggro. Um, you're not in a place to make demands, michael. Sorry bro. Oh god, here we go. This is not your way, my friend. This is the others' way. I don't know what that means. Um, saeed knows something's up, because that is batshit crazy. Leave hurley behind and take saeed. That would be the normal thing to do.


Why is Vincent so cute? Though All he wants to do is play, he doesn't know that it's full of heroin. Charlie, you'd better get out of here before Sawyer finds you and then kills you. Jack is seriously looking fine as fuck. Jack and Sawyer are so awkward, but kind of sweet. Good for Kate.


Honestlyael's acting literally insane. He's not even helping out of the goodness, he's not even helping dig graves out of the goodness of his heart. He's helping because he needs to know that his plan is going to go through without a hitch. What a fucking asshole. Well, hurley isn't going to want to go and, as predicted, he is not going. Make him mad at him for that. You know, maybe they just fed you dried fish because you're fucking useless. Michael Walt is actually pretty innocent. Well, that scene was pretty traumatic. Yes, he called it, it was pre-planned. Who's supposed to go? Hence the franticness of who's going. The franticness of who's going to go. Why Wait what? He makes so many demands for someone who's not in a position to make demands? Just stop fucking yelling. I told you I knew Saeed knew he was lying. Saeed is so good at reading people. Just something I will include in our Shannon and Saeed fanfiction Aw, poor Hurley. Even I'm tearing up at this funeral Boat End.


I'm not sure it quite had the vigor that you had when you were is it not totally accurate?


it was pretty close.


There was a lot of screaming. I can't really scream right now. I just want to make that clear to everyone and those were like live reactions. They were I felt it and I wasn't there when you watched it. At one point she scared herself with how much emotion she felt.


I was just so angry yeah.


I sensed the anger. I think I wrote in here. I liked your thought within the thought of when you figured out what the note was that he was bringing. Was that you figuring out just now or part of your figuring?


out just now.


No, that's great.


I liked that it was like real time oh yeah, that's awesome, I was live okay, cool, cool.


No, I definitely felt the anger there, teresa, and it is palpable. We all feel it.


Every time it pans over to him, I am immediately enraged.


I know it is really hard to watch him now. Yeah, it's just one thing that I thought of when you were doing it was this idea that like he and we'll get to it, but like this idea that he needs hurley jack sawyer.


Kate is just like I don't know, like it's weird that that's who he ended up being in the hatch with for like all of this, yeah, and like oh, yeah, it's weird, like so, the four people, because like it's almost like too easy, because it's like you can kind of be like oh, the the people that are already there, but like that's a pretty big coincidence that like they're all the people involved, other than, like, I guess, lock a little bit.


But like lock went into his own thing and echo like a little bit, but other than that, like everyone that he needs, just happened to be. Yeah, that is a big coincidence and then it does kind of make me think, because I know when we watch it like it's very clear that he meant to kill anna lucia, or shooter at least, but it like very much seems like the libby part of it's like very accidental yeah but then there's like a part of me that's like was it or this all just to like make more people like angry and want to come with him I know it's a tough call because he couldn't have known that libyan and hurley were sort of


seeing each other, and that yeah so like he couldn't have killed her as a way to get hurley to come no I do feel it was accidental, but also at that point he's just because that there was no plan from this episode yeah that the others gave him necessarily other than you need to let michael go or not, bring these. Yeah, so yeah, it's strange how it worked out that way, but yeah, every time he was on screen, I just wanted to just like flip a table.


Yeah, it's ridiculous and he's just acting completely insane the whole time, which doesn't make it easier.


No, and he goes between completely insane about who has to go to, completely like innocent, like talking to Sun and Jin, like I'm okay, guys, like I'm okay. Ugh, so mad at him.


I know, when everyone was happy, he was like, don't be happy, he's a murderer. Yeah, exactly, he killed two of your friends, one on purpose, one by accident but then, when he shot her, hoped she was dead. Yeah, she was dead, yeah, when she was not dead. Let's just remember that. But then I'm like you guys don't know no, they don't know you innocents don't know, so I can't really be mad at you, michael yeah, just continue being mad at michael, right?


yeah, I don't know where do we want to start? Do you want to get all our michael hate out in the beginning? No, because it's going to come up again and again no, it's should.


Should we start with Charlie? Yeah, I think we should get the.


Charlie stuff out of the way. He's in it too much.


I don't even think his scenes made that much sense. He didn't contribute anything for me personally useful to this episode. It felt very disjointed for him, him trying to get back with Claire, this whole vaccine thing and the church thing, and it's like okay, he just feels, I think he feels lost and so he kind of also, while interspersed in the episode, feels lost yeah, his character feels lost, like they don't even really know what to do with him because even him throwing away the drugs it kind of falls flat because like we've seen him do that already before, when he burned the drugs.


So it's like, yeah, I've been there, done that and also throwing them like 15 feet into the beach, where they're either just going to wash up on shore again or you can easily swim and get them, isn't? That impactful, like charlie, yeah I thought that was your like, Charlie.


Yeah, I thought that was your joke, like that's going to come right back.


But I I agree when you said, Teresa, along the lines of like there was a moment where I felt a little bad for him when he, like Echo, basically says I don't need you anymore.




Oh, could you bring my things Like that was kind of rude of Echo so I felt bad for Charlie there. But then like as soon as he starts talking, it like goes away because he's like become such an immature little like child about it.


Like go get it yourself, yeah, yeah Like sulky and just yeah.


Yeah, and like the vaccine thing was like kind of weird, Like so he like brings all this stuff. He's like I thought you'd want this and I don't know what it's a vaccine for. They said to inject yourself every nine days. It's painless. Well, how do you feel? Well, I feel, fine. It's like what You're just going to like inject yourself with something you don't know, because he hasn't dropped dead in the last 12 hours since he took it. Like it, just it, just again. It's like the pandering he's doing to her.


Yeah, exactly.


And like.


It'd to her. Yeah, exactly, and like it'd be different if, like he, even there was like a very quick scene of being like hey, jack what do? You think of these?




You're a doctor, do they? Can you read the label and tell me if they're safe and jack's like? They look fine or they're. It's a placebo or whatever, right? But, then like and then like. Well, at least it might clear, feel better or something.


But there's just nothing.


He's just randomly taking a vaccine that he has no idea what it is and then passing it to a baby, to a woman?


yeah, and they're like we, I think, because I've decided for all of us that you two are the most deserving of the mystery vaccine. Please shoot yourselves up yeah, so weird is the dose not different for a baby and an adult? Like I don't understand, like where the thought process on this went, but yeah, so strange, it was strange.


And then, like michael comes back and he's like clearly, like at the time where he's trying to be, like, oh, can we be good again? And then everyone's excited for michael and we'll get to that. And then, yeah, like he's pissed off at echo. Yeah, because he doesn't want to build the church, even though that was a weird call on echo yeah like he's uh, he's, what does he say? He's like this is what I have to be doing now. And then he's like what should I be doing? He's like getting my things fucking harsh.


Echo, you are now my butler. Oh, I liked it okay. So when charlie's walking off, he's like go get it yourself. Better hurry. How far is the fucking hatch from the beach? We don't know because it sounds like 108 minutes is not enough for echo to go from here to there.


To m back I think that might be true, though is that what it is? Yeah, because I think that's why, like lock and lock and um boone were able to like go out to that area, because that's where the hatch is.


It's like where the plane was right oh, that's true and like they were able to go out every day and like oh no, not the plane, the beach, the hatch, like the hatch that they unearthed in season one, wasn't where the plane was that's your thing in the pearl oh right, yeah, second yes, so where's the hatch?


in the middle of nowhere?


I don't know like. I do think it must be possible for them to go there and back, because, but then why do they need shifts?


but that's what doesn't make sense to me, because then, like he's like you, better hurry at. 108 minutes is well over an hour. Well, not well over an hour it's almost two it's almost two hours. So you're saying it would be hard for him to go there and back in roughly two hours.




But in a previous episode Sawyer says give me 20 minutes and I'll get from the hatch to the beach and back.


Well, I think that was more like Sawyer just being like okay, I'm doing it. Yeah, I agree, I know it muddies the water, but like it's also just possible that it's 10 minutes away and Echo just wants to make charlie his bitch.


Yeah I'm fine with either of these outcomes. If I'm being honest, it's like. It's like we can see the beach.


Yeah, get my things, bring them to me.


It's always so good music because, like, yeah, I remember they were walking and it was daytime when they were talking, yeah, and then by the next episode it was nighttime by the time they get to the hatch TV time.


TV time. How far, how far. And then, yeah, so after Charlie's, you know he's like doing whatever he's doing, and then Vincent brings him when he's like did someone put you up to this? And then he follows it back to Sawyer's and he takes the drugs and he's like I'm done with these drugs and like you all said, it falls exceptionally flat.


Yeah, it's just kind of meaningless. I did kind of like the look between him and Locke Because it was kind of just like Locke's like I don't fucking care anymore, you can do whatever the hell you want.


Come on shit. Exactly. Locke is interesting in this episode too. We don't really see much of him.


No, he's very absent. He's just like sitting on the beach.


Moody, he's very absent he's just like sitting on the beach. Moody, yeah, moody, yeah lock still moody, but healed but still doesn't believe.


Yeah, like that's the thing he's healed, because he dramatically cuts off his cast thing or splint and like, marches away and it's like, okay, so the island has just healed you again faster than anything, and you're still being like all weird about what's going on I guess we'll see what they just like storms off.


Yeah, like what?


did, completely skips the funeral. I mean, he's always been like that, though, like he's not really into that stuff, yeah does his own thing. So yeah, and did we see lockhouse elsewise in it? I don't think so.


No not, not really.


Just the beginning, when Michael knocks him out Just in, like the flashbacks. Yeah, I guess that's true.


Speaking of the flashbacks, so this episode and there's a couple others like we talked about earlier in season two, when they sort of replay stuff from previous episodes- yeah. It's like I guess I get that it's because it was network television and people had to basically wait for DVDs to be able to re-watch it, but it's like they play so much of already created content from a previous episode. It's like you only have limited time in these 42 or 43 minutes that they get.


It would be nice to have more new content well and especially like so it's funny because I was thinking about how I just watched a bit of gray's anatomy that did that where they're like doing this like kind of thing, it's like trial or whatever, and they're like it's a character stuff and they're like doing like callbacks on like season 16 or 17 of a tv show to like season like two, three, and so they'll show like the little clip or whatever and it's like that kind of makes sense, right Cause it's been like 15 years probably. Yeah, it hasn't really, it's only been what? How?


many episodes since we saw that I don't know, like I I agree that it like makes sense to kind of give you that like reminder, that it like makes sense to kind of give you that like reminder, but I'm not sure it's that necessary yet. Like if this was like season four, yeah, and we're showing back to season two, I'd probably be like I don't know.


That I felt I agree with you I don't know that it was, I get why, but I don't know that it was like super, like. It's still pretty present in my mind.


Absolutely Like they could have easily just shown Jack Locke Sawyer talking to Zeke. We didn't need to hear anything they were saying, to be reminded of that scene. That was literally like a few weeks ago.


And I think they could have overlapped it a little bit better with what was happening with Alex and Michael, as opposed to kind of doing like a one for one. Like just like, had it be like a much more overlapped? Um, and I agree, yeah, we didn't need to see them all throw their guns down again. Um, and the thing is like they. I remember the other one that you guys didn't love was in the other 48 when they're like walking yeah or like once they're all they do, kind of.


But at least I felt like that was like stylized in a way that like I think was supposed to ramp up the drama, and so maybe that's what they're trying to do here, but I think it would have just been enough to show all of the stuff we didn't see totally and I think we were pretty smart, like I think, we could have pieced together where it fits in the timeline you know, like I did, because at first I was like who's that?


And then I was like, oh wait, I know who that is, it's Kate.


Yeah, exactly yeah.


Yeah, so okay, well, we're kind of going down the rabbit hole already. So you know, it's yeah, let's do it, no.


Okay, yeah, I mean.


Sorry, I just growled.


I'm not sure if that's because she's sick or because she hates Michael so much.


Okay, michael's burning something and I mean I remember pausing it and and looking at and you do see the names written backwards on it. So it's, it's their four names, the, the list that miss clue gives them, but it's pretty obvious he's up to something. Well, I mean, obviously you don't based on what's going on, but like his weird insistence on these and the fact that more people didn't sort of like oh jack yeah, get like suspicious at first it's weird I think that part of it is that, like they're at a very big emotional moment, like


where saeed's a little bit removed from it and he's saeed um, because I think I think normally so like. I think sire was a little bit like I'm like what's your deal. I thinkyer was a little bit like I'm like what's your deal, and I think Jack was a little bit too, but I think that they were able to like justify it as like he's just worried about Walt, like so any like sort of weird behavior was being kind of justified by he's not. Yeah, he's not, he's not in the best frame of mind because he's still super worried about his son.


I agree, super worried about his son. I agree that the take I got from jack was like he thinks it's a bit strange, his like insistence on the people. But I'm not gonna push it right now because he's sort of at this like heightened state and he's just been shot and witnessed two murders, or he thinks he's witnessed two murders. So I think from jack was like okay, I'm you know, I'm just gonna humor him and then we'll kind of figure it out as we go along.


Absolutely and then obviously Saeed sees right through the bullshit.


Always. Well, you can tell, like I'm sorry, in what universe are you going to go and get some revenge or what have you? And take Hurley and not Saeed, yeah.


And yeah like.


A hundred percent and not saeed.


Yeah and yeah, like, so hundred percent, like we, we can kind of jump over, like that conversation with sawyer where he jack's like no, no, it's like it's got to be just them and and so he's like we're not going to take the red beret, which I'm not sure if that's offensive or not, so I apologize if it is. But um, like and so I was like not, and like essentially says like not that kate and hurley aren't great options too, but like why wouldn't we bring the red beret? And it's like, like it may, it makes no sense. Like, even if it was, like we can't bring a lot of people this and that, like bring the people, fine. Then say hurley, like it's just really about, like, keeping it small. Yeah, like hurley, not not to be rude, it doesn't, he's got so many skills, but like none of which are this exactly.


He doesn't even want to go and, like I, I it was interesting to hear michael or not michael, to hear jack say it's michael's call. And it's funny how jack's mind works that way that because it's like whoever is impacted the most by what's happening and I guess because he sees it as getting walt back michael is the most impacted, it's michael's call. And it's so weird how, like he's so quick to be like, yeah, I can be on board with that, it's michael's call, you know, and then say he's like no, jack, it's not michael's call, actually.


And it was so good to like put him in his place, yeah, exactly well, and I think that's super funny that you. It was so good to like put him in his place, exactly Well, and I think that's super funny that you phrase it like that, because, like, essentially what he's saying is the person who's most invested, which means the person who's the most emotionally vulnerable and least logical and making bad decisions. As a doctor, you would think he'd know. Actually, we let people who aren't emotionally invested in things make decisions because of that.


But then I remember he married his patient and I realized that those lines and boundaries are blurry for mr shepherd, do we?


remember if this is what happened, because I remember when claire was taken um, they didn't want charlie going, but was jack on board with charlie not going or was he like bring him along?


no, I think he was on board with him not coming, so it's total, yeah, like 180 I I think I do just think there's so much going on and I do think that, like I think, for jack, maybe what it is too, is like he doesn't understand what it's like to have a son, but he does know what it's like to have a father, but he does know what it's like to have a father and he doesn't know, like, how complicated that relationship can be and like how he was actually there to track down his father. So I think, like he just doesn't like want to interfere with Michael's expression and like need for that like.


Process, processing of the father-son bond, and so he's kind of just like yeah, like, and it's super crazy to me that like. So I'm trying to remember back. I just watched it too. But like, saeed is told by jack and sawyer, like, and then sawyer's like no, you're coming. Does saeed interact with michael?


in this episode yeah yeah he, michael goes to talk to him and he's like, hey, I know, sawyer told you about it but you can't come and like it's interesting. I think you can kind of pinpoint when saeed's kind of like puts two and two together.


And I think it's when Michael changes tactics a little bit Like. At first he's so like confrontational and be like that's the way it has to be, and then you can see Michael kind of being like oh, it's not working this way. I got to turn on the like sort of empathy. He's like you know, it's my son and I need to do this my way and blah, blah, blah. And I think saeed sees that as like he's changing his tune so quick like trying a different tactic.


There's something weird going on. Why is he? So quick to change his tactic to get me not to come like basically what will appeal to me the most, to agree with you.


So it's like that was a good scene, too for saeed it was that was a really good scene, like for saeed, but also like, yeah, like that idea that michael's like I really need to do this my way. I need to do this my way, and it's like what freaks me about and what would like cause me concern is like, yeah, but why is your way again to bring like like, even like sawyer is not necessarily like I love Sawyer and I love Sawyer in this episode, but like he's not exactly the most emotionally stable and consistent, like really the only one that makes the most sense to bring out of the group he's posited is Jack yeah and Kate to some degree like really it should be like Jack Saeed, and even Jack is kind of like it should really be Saeed Locke because, Locke, can you know, throw shit.


And track and track.


And I mean if and then, if you had to have a few more Jack and maybe Kate, and maybe Sawyer, and maybe Sawyer, I agree and maybe Echo, if Echo is was feeling it. Echo doesn't give a shit.


Echo is feeling it in the moment.


He's not having it today.


But it just his behavior raises red flags, but also just like his premise raises red flags. Even if he was super convincing, I'd be like like, but this plan is dumb I would have liked to have seen one of them be like.


Well, why, michael like? Explain to us your plan here?


and I was kind of low-key, hoping it would be kate. Yeah, after that, little like funeral, burial, not funeral, but the when they're like digging and he comes and he's like very clearly trying to like manipulate hurley into going yeah and kate's like hey and like rightfully.


So that's what. That's one of my like I love kate and I kate's great in this episode, right like, and that whole thing like he's trying to get michael to back off, like I kind of thought, like when she's kind of like michael and kind of giving him like a look that it was like that her wheels are gonna be spinning a little bit, like why is he trying so hard, like why you're like hurting him?


yeah, I thought so why she might questioned him a little yeah so like it's just I and I know we always have all the information. So, no, well, not on this show, but in most shows you have a lot more information, so it's so easy to be like, oh, it's so transparent. But I do feel like he was being transparent, which is why I think the payoff of that little scene between jack and saeed is so good.


Yeah yeah, you're like fuck, finally, exactly, yeah, exactly, and I don't know like you, we've thought differently, I think, in in your stream of consciousness, about the funeral. I felt it was like kind of lackluster. It didn't really do anything, even like the things people were saying. It was just kind of like you know, this was her last name. I saw her on the plane. I think it was just she was a mad woman of few words, so I'm also going to not say anything.


I think because Hurley said I'm sad.


True, yeah.


Like Hurley's not the kind of guy who is really like affected by a lot of the like crap going on and like to see him so, like in the last episode when he was like I'm sorry for the blankets and, like you know that he feels like this, like weird guilt, like I think I'm, I was affected by it because of hurley. I think that if hurley didn't care, I probably would have been like another two, no, that's true, I didn't like.


Did you guys buy into his sort of change of heart about?


going okay, me neither literally at one point Teresa said that doesn't make any sense when you're watching it. On the kind of thing of the funeral, though, like I think that's how you, jack walking to the funeral and Jack being like I was doing this and I was going to go to the funeral, though like a, like I said, I think that's saeed jack walking to the funeral and jack being, like you know, like I was doing this and I was gonna go to the funeral I don't want to say, and like we're doing so many of these, like the way he described that, like that idea of like here we go again, kind of thing. I felt that very deeply because I do think that's honestly kind of what it is. It's like how does this keep happening? Yeah, and then for Sayid to just kind of launch into his very calmly kind of being like yep and Michael's lying.


It's just these two.


I felt very, a lot of very astute self-awareness from both of them in that and I just really liked that scene. As for the funeral, I think I agree with kind of both of you. I think it was sad but lackluster. But I think it was lackluster because they don't really know them like. It's two of the like you know, tailies, that they met like 15. Like, did michael ever meet them?


yeah, yeah because he was over there with them remember.


Oh, oh, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, but yeah, but he wasn't at the camp that long with them, so like, I think that's a little bit of a part of it, which is why I actually thought what I liked about the funeral scene was hurley, you really felt from. I actually felt, you felt a lot from sawyer like just kind of standing super close to him, kind of like.


He was clearly very affected by the fact that, like he was like the last person this is how I see it in his mind he was the last person to share like an intimate moment with her and I think that actually really affected him and Kate rubbing Hurley's back.


I know that was nice.


But I agree Like, and then he's like kind of trembling over the words and like I don't think he would have just been like, and because of that I'm like coming with you, so I didn't buy that.


I did. I, you know, talking about it. You obviously like it makes makes me think differently of things. But like when Jack's talking and he kind of like I forgot too right away that they were coming, or Jack was coming right after hearing this from Saeed, and like while he's talking at the funeral, he kind of gives this look to Michael and it was like that really sort of good, good. Look like he's like sort of um, is this, can this be true?


like can he be?


lying to us. It was a. It was a good moment too.


So yeah, there was some good moments in that well and like what I think is kind of also good about that scene between saeed and jack is like, again, saeed's very calm, he's very meticulous, he's very calculated, like he's not like spelling it all out for them, but essentially what he's saying is I don't believe him.


I think he had something to do with this, I think he let henry go and he's like you're making a lot of assumptions but what he didn't say outrightly, which just means that he's also probably responsible for those two deaths yeah, right so I think that would be freaky, to kind of be like piecing together, like at their funeral and this guy that you, you know, think you know better than the two people you're burying, and like it's just no, that's, that's really true, and it's all happens so quick like all that, that final scene there.


Um, we didn't talk about a couple of things, the I don't know if you want to talk about it or if it's just kind of an interesting thing. Echo story to michael oh, oh, I got chills.


I watched chocolate very badly okay that story is saeed may see through michael's actions, but clearly echoed us as well because that was a very pointed story, and are we all just assuming what he's saying is Anna Lucia will see you in hell, yeah exactly, and she will literally split you from the tip to tail Like I was like I literally like I can't my eyes, like were like wide open the whole time. I was like this is scathing, yeah totally, and he was just.


it's the calmness.


I know.


While he's cleaning up Libby's blood, Just being like he did not care for forgiveness Cared if the dog see it. I know it was intense.






It was a good scene, it was good, because it was like super pointed. Yeah.


And again it just tells you, like Echo Saeed, these like kind of calm, like watchful, like deeply emotive men, they're very empathic, like they know what's happened, they know what's up.


And that story tells me that he knew. I agree, and it was.


It was. I was just like. I got chills. I was like same. I don't see it. Go and see you in hell.


You're in trouble. I don't see it going to see you in hell. You're a troll.


He's gonna torture you for the rest of your yeah, miserable purgatory hell stay yeah but anyway, so that I'm glad we talked about that. Another thing before we get really into the michael of it all there's more yeah, there is, because it's a so like little journey with the fucking others.


Oh my god all right we haven't even gotten into any of that or his waltz interaction, but kind of going backwards from that funeral scene of like sawyer being very like emotive and very like clearly bothered. We get that like those two other jacks where scenes are going in reverse, you get the him, them in the hatch together, kind of getting the guns ready to go, and him kind of like saying, like you know they had sex and he's, like you know we got caught in net, like because he had said earlier right.


So there's those two scenes that are really cute like him and jack have that scene in his area earlier where he's like what happened with you and kate? And then, um, you know, you think at first like he's kind of like just trying to get information on like because he like, likes kate and whatever, and it's like we got caught in a net and he's like oh, they're calling it nowadays. And then he later calls back to that by being like we got caught in a net and then telling jack all this and jack's like why are you telling me all this?


and he's like because you're the closest thing I have to a friend. And when he was telling him that I didn't quite remember that being the line, but I did remember it was something like that and I remember feeling when it for I first heard that that that is what it felt like. Like that, despite everything, sawyer does actually feel like some connection to jack. Yeah, and I think even earlier when he was talking to him about it like he doesn't mind talking to jack about like his personal stuff too, like I actually do think he wants to have like somewhat of a friendship with him. So I thought that was pretty cute all right the scenes with the others.


First of all, it introduced my least, one of my least favorite others.


Is it Miss Clue?


No, the one who was peeing. I hate that guy. He comes back quite a bit in season three.


I was like who is he? Teresa literally said who is that?


But Miss Clue is weird too, she creepy, and I don't. Oh, she does come back very briefly.


She does very briefly. Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised here that Michael didn't completely lie to them About them living in primitive huts. Right, yeah, I mean it's kind of a lie, because he can also clearly tell that they it's not primitive. Yeah, exactly, but like at least it wasn't a complete lie. So at least he's smart enough to try to keep his lies close to reality. But enough to try to keep his lies close to reality, um, but yeah miss clue and but even like getting him there.


And then the laugh I can't, you guys can't like when he's running away and then he's shooting them and they start shooting him, he's like, no, we need him alive. And he takes out like that lasso for like back. I don't know what is. There's probably an actual name for that type of like and he like grabs his legs and pulls them in.


I don't think he pulls them in. I think he just throws it and like it's good. It's like a string with two rocks like an entangler, and then it like wrapped around your legs and then you and then you trip. I know but is indiana jones. They're very primitive amanda. They only have basic tools and weapons and they did a very good job. They did better with the primitive tools than they did with the guns.


I agree, great job, but it was just like we need them alive, then let me take care of this my rock string machine just literally felt like it was out of a video game.


What was that called.


There's a name for it. I'm sure that's so funny, but that was fun, but good job. I mean like they did get him and it worked.


I don't even know if this is ever fully explained or if it's just sort of whatever. But why do you think the others wouldn't just go get Fenry? Because I think she says we can't get him or something Cause. I think, Michael even asks that why not just go get him? And she's like well, we can't like, why wouldn't they just do that? They clearly can infiltrate. They have great rock tripping mechanisms. It's called a bolus, oh a bolus.


Or a bolus, oh a bolus, or a bolus.


Like they have guns, they've got boats, they've got like.


So I'm wondering one of two things. I'm wondering if it's because they made that deal not to cross the line and maybe they're just like we don't actually break the deal we made, or if it's just that they don't want to expose themselves yet, or very well could be that it's to do with something yeah, the larger the larger issue here? I think it does. I do think we find out a little bit and I do think it has to do more with this idea.


So the larger thing in play here with our lovely castaways, and I don't think they are able to hurt them or risk hurting, hurting them. So I think that that's a big part of it, maybe.


Yeah, that could be or maybe a little bit of all of it, or yeah, it's probably a bit of everything, but probably that, that larger, that larger item and play with the bigger picture and I know that it gets a little bit different when they kind of come to them and things like that.


So like I think that's part of wanting them, um, but yeah, I, I mean it's very concerning and like just all that stuff from Miss Clue when he's in the HUD and it's like he's she's asking all these questions and like it really is unfortunate that he didn't raise him because he can't answer any of these questions.


It's just like beat over the head again Like I wasn't there. I wasn't there Like okay, yeah, you were in in a. You weren't in walt's life. And I'm pretty sure the lawyer at one point said something the exact line or something very similar being like boy for someone who wants their son back. Sure don't know a lot about him.


it's like boy yeah, you don't know that.


He's apparently telepathic and yeah, what was that question? Has walt ever appeared in a place? He wasn't supposed to be.


Yeah, that was a weird question.


I don't know, does he?


Exactly. You tell me what are you seeing?


So I will say I have no. I want to just blanket this right now. I have zero sympathy for Michael. I have no appreciation for anything that he's done. I I think everything he's done is 100 wrong. Um, but the closest I ever came to feeling anything remotely close to sympathy for him is after that minute of waltz right when because that was like I did, like my stomach lurched a little bit during that scene, that was sad very sad, yeah, and very hard, and I have no doubt in my mind that most parents would have agreed to almost anything after that interaction for their child.


I just don't know how many people are actually capable of following through with it to the level that well here's the thing.


Like she didn't say, you have to kill Ana Lucia and Libby or you she didn't say you have to kill anybody. She just said you got to figure it out.


And that was his plan, that was his murder came up with.


Yeah and like I, so I agree with you, amanda. Like, yeah and like I, so I agree with you. Mad, like that was the closest scene where you feel any sort of sympathy for him. Yeah, but like and yeah, most parents would agree to do whatever they want it's just interesting how he took it to such an extreme level well.


I think that just shows his desperation, and we've seen for two seasons how he does not handle things well, how he's like impatient, how he has a temper, like how he responds to things if they don't go well in the moment. Like I think we're supposed to kind of draw on all that to be like he was never going to make the best decisions around this Because he's coming from a place of complete and utter desperation. Yeah, and to me the thing that's concerning is the level of deception that people can be capable of. Yeah.


Scary, it is.


They Miss, doesn't specify anything about a plan, right? Like she's not. Like you can't tell them, you can't nothing. She just said bring these four people right.


She said, well, like to let Fenry go and like get him gone. And he was like how am I supposed to do that? And she was like you can figure that part out. And then, when it came to getting the four of them, she made it very clear that it had to be all four of them and it couldn't be anyone else.


That's it?


I'm pretty sure that's it, yeah, so like I don't really get why Michael couldn't have gone back to the camp and been like look, I'm going to be real with you guys. They said that we need to let Fenrir go and that the four of you only the four of you can come, and then they'll let Walt go. I have a feeling like there would have been a discussion around it. Saeed wouldn't be like what the fuck? Like you're compromised, he's being up front. They would have gone into.


I mean they could have created a really great plan yeah where the four of them go with michael and, and yet saeed and a few others are probably like following, but like they know what's up, so that there's like a contingency in place.


Yeah but I think that that's the problem is because he's so she's like if you, if it's more than that or this, you'll never see me again. I think she he's just so afraid yeah, to deviate from what she's saying that like he's willing to make these terrible but I mean what she says is so vague, right like agreed that's.


I mean he infers a lot from what she said, which is just bring these four people, let that dude go well, I, I, I think, in terms of what you're saying, amanda, like I, I think there's something where she says, if you ever want to see Walt again, it yeah, like it has to be only these four people. So, yeah, like he's probably shit scared that if it is beyond anybody else they'll kill him 100%.


So that's why he's like not being more sensible about it I do think like even like once it started to unravel a little bit though, like talking to lock or talking to jack or talking to say you would have made the most sense, especially like maybe you go in and maybe the annalucía thing was kind of a I don't know that he necessarily was like I'm gonna kill annalucía either. Like I think he was just like I need to do this and she's fucking here and won't leave and I don't care if I kill her. And then the libby thing was clearly a mistake. So I think let him go. Like to me. Like so much of this is like I appreciate that people make mistakes and that they make huge mistakes and that they say and do things they don't mean and all this stuff.


What really bothers me about human behavior is when people can't own it after.


So like to me, the deception and the trying to emotionally manipulate of grieving Hurley into doing this and all and and risking not knowing what's gonna happen to these four other people who you do have relationships with, is what really bothers me.


Like I'm not saying, I'm like okay, he killed Adam Lucy and let me, that's fine, it's obviously not. But like if he had done that, I've been like holy shit, this is. I'm in so deep here like I can't be, this can't be the way I do this and he actually like told them that it was like, and then was like okay, jack, like I need help, we need a plan. My son is still there. I've only done a half of what they want me to do. And what bothers me about the whole thing is, I'm pretty sure if he had said to jack and kate and sawyer because that's the other thing about I like a lot about sawyer and kate in this episode when it comes to like sawyer's a dick, he's an asshole, we know all this but when it comes to serious shit like this, he doesn't. He doesn't put up a fight no, he steps up like he's like.


They're like how many guns have? He tells him exactly how many guns they have. He helps get them, he helps carry the body. He doesn't say no to anything because he knows it's important exactly. Do you really think that if michael had said to jack, kate, sawyer and hurley I need you guys to come with me or my son will die that they would have been like nah?


Yeah, exactly, they would have gone. Yeah, a hundred percent Right, wouldn't even have thought twice about it yeah, exactly.


So it just and yeah, I forgot, teresa, until you said it that Saeed phrased it that way and I love that so much when he's like I believe Michael has been compromised and I'm like I love that. I know it was so good he's so wise, keep walking. He's been compromised. We must. You know what they do with compromised assets, you know.




Take them out.


Oh shit Gotta take them out. Yeah, okay, so well. I mean the episode ends with a bit of a cliffhanger.


Oh, the best cliffhanger In both of your sound effects today Boat. Boat, boat. It's so good. You used to say that all the time, yeah you did Boat, boat, boat. So good. So you know what? Maybe also why the funeral is a little lackluster.


It's followed up Kind of overshadowed. All of a sudden there's a fucking boat there, yeah.


And I'm so, and even then I was like yay, and Teresa's like what is that?


Do you remember what it is, amanda? Yeah, yeah, okay, teresa, you don't I'm assuming? No, of course not.


I oh yeah, which I think happens in one. Is this next one a full two-parter? Is it two parts separated out the finale? It's still two parts separated out.


We're gonna just yeah, I think they aired together together. Yeah but it might, they might on disney, plus it might be together as well sometimes they do that anyway, the finale is coming up.


It's either a two-parter, that is actually two like 45 minute episodes, or it's one hour and-parter, that is actually two like 45 minute episodes, or it's one hour and a half episode. We can't remember off the top of our heads. But in one part of that my one of my favorite lines the whole series happens and I'm so excited what is it?


um I think I know what it is, but I don't know how we get there well, he's on the boat.


If that helps, it does not.


Well, he's on the boat, if that helps.


It does not. It does not help. I'll tune in next week to see if Teresa's like oh yeah, so all right, rude dudes, watch them back to back though, guys.


If you guys are watching it for the first time.


I do suggest you. I do believe they aired. I think so the same night, but they still often do that. They'll just kind of like fill two time slots with two.


Yeah, no, I think definitely you should watch them together. It's a two-parter, why wouldn't you?




I think we're good. Let's get the character rankings in line.


I can only imagine that Michael is going to close out season two at the top of the rankings.


Should I start? I'm going to start from the bottom again, because we know that he's at the bottom. Yeah, um, so we know what's just going to keep going down from here. So we'll start at number 14 with michael negative 5165 even if he does get better.


I just have a feeling that like that does not matter, it's going to happen he just pissed me off.


So much of this episode. Um, then it's charlie minus 560. Then we have only people in the positives. We have desmond with 60, kate with 300, walt with 315, jack with 725, claire with 780, sawyer with 1000, jen with 1250. Then our top five, we have lock with 1495, echo at number three with 1630, side at number two with 1705 and hurley at number one with 2055 so I will say that you know how.


You've talked earlier about how your rankings have changed a little bit. I don't obviously remember your rankings from before like crystal clear, but I do remember that saeed was always in your top, so he's like kind of like come back into what like I expected him to be for you. Um, the thing is like michael is not like he's clearly going to be in more episodes like this wasn't his last episode. I just don't think like other than single-handedly developing wings and carrying off every single member of this island nation to safety I don't see how he gets out of the negatives for you, like I just don't.


I don't think there's a single there's not enough time in the world, no of good deeds to make up for negative five thousand. You know what's weird.


I don't know how it got this bad.


I mean I certainly do um but it's also interesting to see echo's only been on for season two and he's like pretty up there, so there's still a lot of movement that can happen in the next four seasons oh, absolutely.


Um, I remember when I was doing kind of like who I liked before, um, it was kind of all over the place and it would be like he looks hot today, plus five. I'm not convinced. I still don't know what it is Sometimes, just for the record. That's not well, that's not fair, because I'm attracted to men, not women, so like the women are never going to get points.


You often comment on their arms.


I think you're attracted to the men and the women on this show.


I often comment on how attractive the women are.


Kate's arms are out of control, that's a jealousy thing. I'm just jealous that I don't look that jacked, but I'm not willing to do that kind of gym.


Tree climbing. You just got to climb some trees. I'm afraid of heights.


But my bat wings are out of control and she has no bat wings, she has no body fat.


okay, that also percentage fat is like, but um I mean I guess that's true.


I mean I, I'm okay. Anyway, let's get back on track.


Yes, I'm just saying she's an unrealistic beauty standard for anyone listening I just think her arms are fantastic um so where were you going with this? I don't remember, because now I'm just thinking about how jack's arms looked fantastic and what she was going for, and I'll remind everyone is to say that the rankings are a lot less shallow after we talk about how they are.


They are less shallow, but I just don't remember. I knew that I didn't like michael. I didn't realize I didn't like him this much. Yeah, I didn't realize that there was so much he had done yeah, he's not a good guy.


He's not a good guy, but like I always thought that my issue with him because like I don't, I don't remember so much of the show for some reason, even though I thought I did um I thought my biggest problem with him was that he was like a shitty dad and he was like trying so hard to be like I'm your father, now be good, be good. I thought that was my problem with him. But then in looking at like his rankings, obviously you deduct points when you do bad things or when you invoke like a very negative reaction or what have you. In this one episode he went down almost a thousand points because he was just being a nutbag and like selfish and I get it, you're doing it for your kid, but like it's just. I just didn't realize that until, honestly, today, bringing it all together, yeah yeah, is that


how you feel about the character rankings for your personal MVP and LVP today.


Yeah, my LVP is Michael. Yeah, my MVP is Said.


Yeah, those are good ones. Yeah, I'm so excited to get your season ones Me too.


Coming up. I'm excited to see. Yeah, I'm uh. It's going to be quite different from yours in a few ways. In several ways, it's very much the same.


Michael at the bottom.


Yep and Jack's arms are the real star yeah exactly.


You looked really good today, just scrumdiddlyumptious.


Like I said in our last one, this is a primetime TV show from the 2000s. Everyone looks good.


Scrumptious, scrumdiddlyumptious.


Okay, here's All right, let's give our ratings for the episode. Okay, I'll start, I'm going to give it. I kind of feel like, Ah, this is a tough one. It's a tough one, it's a good episode. It's a good episode, even though Michael's the worst. So I'm going to give it 8.3. No follow up. Okay.


I give it like an 8.5. Like this is a good example of an episode where I don't like what's happening, yeah, but it's compelling television. Like I don't I I don't like where we're at with michael, but like it is what it is and like I think that the writers did a decent job of driving it forward, except in the ways that we've highlighted already. Um, and I really like I think a lot of people we talk about this, a lot about kind of in character, out of character. I think the writers, like I know we talked during the trivia about how they're gonna get in their sea legs here, but I will say I think that they get the characters like everything felt very like that story. Um, echo told how Saeed kind of talked to Jack about his concerns with Michael. Like that all felt very exactly as it was happening. That's what I thought should be happening. So I think it's a good episode.


I just like Michael sucks, like there's no way around that. Like he's an. He's a horrible person and I'm sorry, but there's no way around that. Like he's a horrible person and I'm sorry, but there's no way Walt is going to be like oh my God, you killed multiple people to save me. Thank you, papa. What's the fucking game plan?


here long term. I really hope that if their relationship continues, that they that he calls him Papa. Thank you Papa, thank you Papa that he calls him Papa. Thank you Papa, thank you Papa. So I started doing something at the end of when I do my stream of consciousness where I'm just going to put my ranking, my rating, right away. Oh, that way, I'm not influenced by IMDB, I'm not influenced by what you guys say or what have you. And my gut at the end of this episode was six, not much more to say than that. I don't know why it just straight up was six.


Okay, fair, we got a good range here, so well, I mean it's it's. We're coming close to the end here. There's just the finale left that we're going to watch and and do another episode for. So here you have our thoughts on three minutes, the essentially the penultimate episode of season two, and thanks everybody for joining and listening this week to another episode of let's get lost. Please, please follow us on Instagram and Facebook at let's get lost Pod. You can visit our website, let's get lost podcastcom, and um follow our Patreon for some cool behind the scenes stuff and and uh fun background trivia and spoiler talk and all that kind of cool stuff. We will uh see you next week. Thanks so much. Bye.

