Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
We're your Oceanic Three: Theresa, Amanda, and Kip. Join us as we get in-depth about our favourite television show - Lost! We talk about everything: The Island, The Survivors, The Tailies, The Others, The Myths, The Theories, and on and on and on, but we also talk about how Lost changed the television landscape when it came out and how it still reverberates to this day.
Most of all, though, we always come back to how Lost is primarily a character-driven show. For every myth and mystery, five incredible character stories were told. They were complex, mysterious, beautiful, and sometimes challenging to watch - but the characters and their interwoven lives brought Lost to a different level unlike anything ever seen on television.
We would love it if you joined us as we get in-depth about all the Losties, what makes them tick, why they do what they do, and ultimately - what they're doing on the Island.
Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
Let's Get Lost - Celebrating 20 Years of Lost Magic
Can you believe it’s been 20 years since "Lost" first graced our screens? Join us as we commemorate this incredible milestone by revisiting the premiere and all the buzz it generated back in the early 2000s. We reminisce about the thrill of watching it live and debate whether binge-watching beats the suspense-filled wait for each new episode. Relive iconic moments like Charlie’s unforgettable line, "Guys, where are we?" and explore the show's profound impact on the television landscape.
Ever wondered why "Lost" has such a compelling grip on its audience? We dissect its unique character-driven storytelling, contrasting it with other groundbreaking series like "The Sopranos." Delve into why "Lost" stood out during its time and how it managed to weave intricate character arcs that kept us glued to the screen, despite its sci-fi twists and turns. Engage with us in spirited discussions on the show's enduring popularity, from trivia to fun quizzes that reveal which "Lost" character you might be.
Finally, we reflect on the deep bonds and transformative journeys of beloved characters like Sawyer, Jack, Juliette, and all the others. From Sawyer's growth into a caring leader to Jack's ultimate acceptance of his destiny, we celebrate these evolutions and the unforgettable relationships that defined the series. With heartfelt discussions on our favorite seasons and episodes, and the practical challenges of casting child actors, we wrap up by honoring the legacy of "Lost" and the joy it continues to bring us, even two decades later.
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wow, I like that a lot little smattering of sounds quite a recap of some of the most important moments, my favorite, of course some of the most important moments, my favorite, of course.
Kip:Well, hello everybody, here we go, welcome in, so welcome to, I guess, like season 2.9.
Amanda:This is not a seasonal episode.
Kip:This is a special episode about our favorite tv show.
Amanda:well, I mean, they're about Our favorite TV show.
Kip:Well, I mean they're all about our favorite TV show.
Amanda:Oh, I guess, technically, but our overarching feelings of our favorite TV show, because on, as you will know, from the date that this comes out.
Kip:It is the 20th anniversary of the Lost season premiere, so we are recording a special episode about Lost and the season premiere and the last 20 years of wow, craziness and just fun and the TV show we love.
Amanda:Yeah, it's insane that it's been 20 years.
Theresa:I know, like it doesn't compute to me it also makes me feel super old.
Kip:But yeah, no, it doesn't compute that 20 years ago the first episode came out but yeah, no, it doesn't compute that 20 years ago the first episode came out and I know like we we, when we talked like recorded the first episode, we talked a little bit about like our history and stuff and and some stuff, and I know you guys were late to watching it, like you didn't watch it live when it first aired. I remember watching it live when it first aired and that's just, yeah, very bizarre to me that that was 20 years ago.
Theresa:I was in a apartment on Hargrave Street oh what yeah, weird, I didn't know that, that I wasn't there very long.
Kip:I was there for the first three episodes of Lost so what was it like?
Amanda:so you watched the first ever episode as it aired. Do you remember like seeing ads for it ahead of time? What do you remember about that time?
Kip:yeah, I remember seeing ads and it was just, um, you know, 20 years ago. It was still very much about you watch tv in the evenings and that's when you watched good tv, and that's only when it was. It wasn't so. I just remember seeing ads, even I think there was teasers, like the prior spring, before summer, and then it was coming out in fall and then all all over summer, um, and I I don't know if, like I know, there was the internet, obviously, but I don't know if I even would have seen anything online, because I don't think that was quite a thing yet, like in terms of there was no YouTube, there was no no, I think YouTube came either out around the same time but wasn't like it wasn't like a thing yet, or it came a little, a couple years after.
Amanda:There was no Facebook, there was no that is why. Twitter, no, myspace, even I'm not sure yet Reddit, like all the things that you've kind of come to, you know, because if you were to go on Reddit today you would see a bunch of talk about Lost.
Kip:Oh yeah, like I would say Reddit is one of the biggest Lost fandoms right now. Like they're huge the subreddit for Lost and there's tons of Facebook pages, which is hilarious. Like it's everywhere. 20 years on and I I think it's still very strong as a of a show and it's still very much in like popular culture and it's. We'll talk about this more later probably but the fact that it's just kind of had a resurgence in the states because it's just started streaming on Netflix there, um, we've been able to stream it in Canada on Disney plus for years, I think so, but, but yeah, it's just it's, it's huge again yeah, I know in all of the groups are like who's watching lost again.
Theresa:And I'm like, thanks netflix, it really netflix us is a good show, probably.
Amanda:I know it's polarizing to say this because a lot of people think it's not a good binging show and that it's, but when it comes to it all being out now and the fact that you could just binge the whole series, I it is probably a good binging show. It might not be the best streaming like.
Kip:It might not have worked on a streaming network if it was released today, but I definitely think it is a good binge show yeah, I think you make a really good distinction, like if it was released to down to streaming service, it wouldn't be the loss that we know and love, but made today. It still works as a bingeable show. Like me and and dan just watched it last year from season one to the final and like he had never seen it before, it was all new to him. He would want it to keep watching.
Theresa:Wanted to keep watching. It's so addicting it is, and it's quite the quite the commitment too, and that says a lot about lost, that you know it's six seasons. Of how many episodes? 119 episodes and you binged it, yeah like we're not talking like 22 minute episodes here, we're talking like 40 plus, yeah.
Kip:So that says a lot about it yeah, so did you immediately love it immediately, like I immediately loved it when charlie says guys, where are we? I I viscerally remember that moment, thinking I love this fucking show. It was so good, like that was just so cool after the I think that was right after they shot the polar bear and yeah, all these like crazy things were going on. So, yeah, I immediately loved it and watched it religiously since then.
Amanda:So I think we should say this is going to be. We try to keep things spoiler free. We try to kind of do everything unless you go on our Patreon. But for this we are going to just give a little disclaimer. We are going to talk about the whole series and bits and pieces of it because, quite honestly, to celebrate 20 years of this show, I think we kind of have to um.
Amanda:So you know, one of the things I kind of you know, I think everyone who hasn't even maybe watched it but has heard of it knows that it gets quite like. A lot of people don't like the ending. A lot of people kind of fall off around season four or five. Um, did any, did either of you ever have like that moment with loss, like I know, obviously we're here talking about we all love it, but you know you can ebb and flow with something and you, it has its highs and lows. Was there ever a time for either of you that you were like, did you feel that it went off the rails for a bit? Did anything feel weird? Because I actually have an opinion on why I feel that didn't happen for me, but I'd be curious to see what you guys think, teresa.
Theresa:It would help if I remembered more than I do.
Kip:You remember right up to when we stopped watching? Well, ask Teresa after the end of this podcast.
Theresa:We've been trying so hard to remember what happened.
Amanda:Well, we can just say something. Like you know, it definitely does, like we all know, this show that aired starting, you know, september 22nd 2004 the pilot to the finale. If you watch just the pilot and just the finale, you would not know you were watching the same show, other than the fact that they have the same characters yeah, right, and that's not the case for a lot of shows, and so you know like I.
Kip:It's funny because I remember, just from seeing all the stuff online over the years, that season three, like early to mid season three, is sort of known as like a, a low point, like it slows down. It's just they don't, and that was kind of the time, I think, when they were trying to get the network to kind of give them an end date, but the network was like no, we want to milk this for as long as we can keep making it, keep making it.
Kip:So they kind of had to like stretch out the stories that they knew. So when I watched it again last year in full, I was kind of like, oh, here it comes. And then I didn't find that like it didn't. I found it was actually quite. I really enjoyed the story from season three, the full thing. Like I think I can recognize things like a lot of the fans say you know when they're in the cages.
Kip:That's sort of like uh, it goes on a bit too long and I can kind of get that, but I don't agree that it like was a low point for the show no um, I I can understand why some people might be like, oh my god, they've been in these cages for a few episodes already and that is a long time when, especially when you're watching it week to week. But, um, I don't know if this is going to be like super polarizing or like a, a hot take or um, unpopular opinion whatever word you want to use but season there was a few episodes in season six that I just could have done without.
Kip:Yeah, I could have done without to be honest, and when, when I re-watched it last year, it was funny because I thought those were the episodes that I loved. But they were the ones that were all about like kind of the mythology and and the like, more secrets of the island. And I remember thinking, oh, I love all that stuff about the island, I love all that mystery and the and the myths and all that stuff.
Kip:But I was just kind of like I kind of wish less is more with some of those things like we don't need these kind of hokey explanations for some of these things, and so those were probably the moments where I kind of felt like a low point for me.
Amanda:Well, it's interesting because you know you're kind of sitting here now. How many times have you rewatched it? In its entirety, do you think?
Kip:Well, the first season, first, second and third season, probably like four or five times, because I would watch each season again before the next season aired with the dvds, but so like I had only seen season six once because I never re-watched it after okay, so that's interesting when I just saw it. This year.
Amanda:That was the only the only time I'd re-watched season six because I wonder then if it's just that the mystery of not knowing was so compelling that when you found out you were like in awe. And then, when you thought back on it, you're like, yeah, I didn't really need to know that. Um, because it's so funny, because there's so many people out there who say the opposite, that they, they don't know enough yeah right.
Amanda:So I think, if anything that would be what is a hot take is that you're kind of saying that you wish you knew even less, because people are saying you know a lot of people's issues. You know there's two big things you'll hear if you're new to lost and have never heard about it. Is you're going to hear people say they didn't like the ending, or you're going to say people hear people say or they could say both really. Uh, that not enough, we didn't find out anything answer't.
Amanda:Answer the questions where's the polar bear from?
Kip:even though they answer that they answer a lot of questions. They really do funny that you're.
Amanda:You're sitting here being like less is more and it's like people being like I want to know where exactly yeah but you know, I never felt that it was bad.
Amanda:Um, and it's super funny because I also think that a big piece of it is that the way they kind of like work up to it. Like at the end of the day, this is a science fiction show and people don't know that and I don't even really think of it that way. And I was at my book club the other day and we had read like a time travel book and someone said like what's everyone's favorite time travel stories? And I was like oh, I don't like time travel and I I never like take it in as media. And then someone's like don't you love lost?
Amanda:that's so funny and I was like oh yeah, I guess there is time travel and lost yeah, there absolutely a lot of it's a fair bit and like pretty monsters and and immortal people and like, oh, it's like it's a sci-fi fantasy at the heart of it. But I think that, like, at the end of the day, what loss is for me is about these characters and they could have probably put them in almost any situation and I would have followed that Because of how much I was, like, invested in yeah.
Theresa:That's fair.
Amanda:The lives of these people and whatever route they took, and I think that says a lot about, like, how they hooked you in and those. And I think for me a big part of that Is I really do love the back, the flashbacks.
Kip:Yeah. In season one, two and three, oh yeah, two and three, oh yeah yeah, same. Um, while you're still thinking of your answer, javier grillo mars watch like the producer writer guy involved with lost. He wrote a really good article for vanity fair this summer in anticipation of the 20th anniversary it's really good and he talks about like how it really.
Kip:He used a few examples of how, like when a show or a movie is super successful, everybody tries to emulate it. So, like when die hard came out, it was like it's like when they're proposing the movie or tv show, it's like die hard, but it's in a hospital. Or it's like die hard but it's on an island or and then he used er as like the next one.
Kip:that was like just in the zeitgeist, and how amazing, how Lost hasn't really been replicated or remade, which in and of itself, in this day and age, is a huge like. Yeah, that's telling, says something, but he focuses a lot about how, as writers in the writer's room, their job so much was just like character development, character development, character development, character development, character development and like.
Amanda:that was the goal of the show was to tell a story of really good characters and like and so to your point, it's just that made it a good show and that is what I think would make that like when we talk about if it could be remade and if it could, whatever I think that piece of it is very is what would make for good tv still this day, because I I do think it was a bit ahead of its time in that way too, in the sense that the character development was so integral where, like a lot of like prime time storytelling back then was a lot more story driven and a lot more like like we've talked about how you know, like episodic versus serial but even in the more serial ones, you know, like x files was quite had some big overarching things and shows like that.
Amanda:But you know, and there there's people who would tell me that the x file characters are developed etc. But it was never about the characters as much as it is, and so I feel like that's another way.
Amanda:It was kind of ahead of its time, because now we have shows that are so heavy into, like you know, like scenes of a marriage. I don't know if you guys have ever seen that. I think it might just be a mini series, but still like there's like episodes where it's just like the characters talking to each other for like the whole episode you know, and stuff like that is much more common now, and I do think they were ahead of their time on that too.
Kip:And I think it's funny because I would say another show from a bit earlier than Lost. That is, I think, like peak TV or known as like the Sopranos was also so character driven and like it's. Those two shows like stand out to me as really good storytelling that focuses on characters that you get to know, and like there's so much dimension to characters and the thing about Lost is that it was so many characters.
Amanda:Well, I thought it was on prime time Because, at the end of the day, hbo was always a little bit more, because they didn't have to bring in advertisers.
Kip:That's right.
Amanda:Because they had subscribers. But if you look at how many people watch the Sopranos, the Sopranos is probably not a great example, because lots of people watch the Sopranos, but the average of even like HBO's highest rated show versus what like CSI was getting at the time was insane. But then Lost did as we know. Every week we hear the numbers from Kippy. It was pulling in like astronomical viewership as well, so yeah most if I'm gonna guess in that vein.
Theresa:I'm gonna give you some stats oh my god, yes, do you want to answer the question or um, I think the only thing I can think of where I wouldn't say it's a low point but I found I wasn't as engaged was the stuff with like Dogen.
Kip:Oh yeah.
Amanda:Which is also season six, is it not?
Theresa:I found it like kind of slow and like kind of like yeah like I wasn't like hooked into it. I was like kind of like OK, like let's go like let's go.
Kip:Yeah, it was like it was weird to introduce this brand new character and this brand new like scenes and and sets and all these like yeah new, almost entirely new story I felt like it just didn't like fit for me very well yeah, I agree with you
Amanda:that was tough and I and I do think that that was all kind of, you know, season six. It was tough, I think, for them because, you know, I think they wanted to make it clear what they were happening and I think we, we all have to just say right now, again, spoiler everyone on this podcast. I think I speak for everyone, I know I do.
Amanda:We all do not believe they were dead the whole time we agree with the only, in our opinion, interpretation, which is that season six, what they call the flash sideways, is the characters in purgatory or whatever you want to name it for your belief system or your whatever different planes of energy, whatever you might believe, working their way to this absolution right this afterlife.
Amanda:And so I do think that maybe it's hard to tell, like you know, what was thrown in, to distract from that what was thrown in, because, yes, they were trying to stretch it to 18 episodes instead of 12. But I do, I do feel like Dogen was maybe not, and I I mean, I'm not Carlton Kuser. Damon Lindelof, maybe he was, but I didn't feel like he was like a part of the grand plan from.
Kip:No, I didn't either.
Amanda:So that's always hard. I think, yeah, you know.
Kip:Yeah, exactly, okay. So some quick facts. These are mostly about the premiere, since it was 20 years ago today it premiered, so it premiered September 22nd 2004. The first season contained 25 episodes. It aired wednesdays at 8 pm. Season one has an astronomical approval rating on rotten tomatoes of 94 holy smokes yeah, the pilot episode had 18.6 million viewers and the entire first season averaged about 17.6 million.
Theresa:That's huge that's. That's massive.
Kip:The first season was nominated for 12 emmy awards and won six, including outstanding um drama series oh wow, in their first season, yeah, isn't that cool.
Kip:And then the premiere cost between uh 10 and 14 million dollars that's roughly 17 to 23 million dollars today and and Disney fired ABC executive Lloyd Braun for greenlighting it because it costs so much money. But he was the first person to propose I would like to do a show that's like Castaway meets Survivor, and it was his idea and he actually went through a few different producers until he got to. Jj Abrams in order to make this.
Amanda:That's super cool. I wonder what Lloyd Braun thinks of how.
Kip:Yeah, I would love to hear that.
Amanda:Yeah, no, kidding, that's so funny. That is the budget of some TV series at that time's entire season, entire season.
Kip:Yeah, that's crazy. That was unheard of back then.
Amanda:Yeah, that was going to cost someone a job, or Lloyd.
Theresa:That's a lot of money. Sorry, that's yeah I that was going to cost someone a job. That's a lot of money.
Amanda:Sorry, you had to be the scapegoat, Lloyd. Someone had to pay for that.
Kip:And I don't know if you remember, but Lloyd is the person who says previously on Lost I hope he gets good royalties for that. He was so mad at Lloyd. No royalties for you.
Amanda:That's crazy though yeah yeah, I know it's good. Um, yeah, theresa, I think you said you had some fun stuff for us to do, because you know, at the end of the day. We're going to talk some serious stuff here. We're going to talk some more, you know, deep stuff, but at the end of the day it's a celebration so we got to do some fun stuff here okay, so this is um.
Theresa:I did this today, not at work, just just today, just today um so this is one of those fun like buzzfeed quizzes where the questions have nothing to do with what okay, like the thing is, but it'll tell you. So you spend a day doing whatever you want and I'll tell you which lost character you are. Okay, so I did this and, like, I got saeed which?
Kip:was interesting. Okay, I was like all right, not bad.
Theresa:So I don't know who wants to go first. It's very quick okay, keep go, I'll go okay, who are you going to hang out with? Your parents, your significant other, your pet, your best friend, me, myself and I, or a few friends?
Kip:I'm gonna pick pet, sorry guys.
Theresa:No, that's fine you have a day completely free. What are you looking forward to doing? Going to the movies, going to the beach, going to the bookstore, playing sports, taking a cooking class or going swimming?
Kip:oh, uh, I'll go with bookstore, okay.
Theresa:What are you going to eat? Mcdonald's Chick-fil-A I know it's not Red Lobster Tropical Smoothie, cafe Olive Garden or Panera.
Kip:Oh, probably Olive Garden, even though it gives me tummy aches.
Amanda:I think everyone gets a tummy ache in Olive Garden.
Theresa:Yeah, I know what movie are you watching Inside Out 2, Avengers, Endgame, Mean Girls 2, Armageddon, the Notebook or Titanic?
Kip:Oh Armageddon. The Notebook or Titanic, oh Armageddon.
Theresa:Armageddon. And what will you do after? Go straight to sleep, listen to music, scroll on social media binge, watch my favorite shows, take a bath or read.
Kip:After a movie probably do some scrolling.
Theresa:Okay, after a movie probably do some scrolling. Okay, which season of Lost is your favorite? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 the most important question there is that's a tough one that is a tough one.
Kip:I don't want to fuck it up, but like Just go with your heart, the one where they're in Darmaville when Sawyer's in the 70s Is that four or five.
Theresa:And finally, who is your favorite character out of these options? Locke, Shannon, hurley, son Juliet and Rose.
Kip:Oh, I'm Hurley.
Theresa:All right, so yours is Charlie.
Amanda:Oh no.
Theresa:Yeah, that was surprising. I tried not to react, but I was like okay. No, all right, amanda who are you going to hang out with? Your parents, your significant other, your pet, a few friends, okay, yeah, I probably could have answered that for you.
Amanda:That's the only one I remember, though.
Theresa:The other ones were me myself and I. No, no, I meant oh okay, you have a day completely free. What are you looking forward to doing? Going to the movies? Going to the beach?
Amanda:Bookstore, Playing sports, taking a cooking class going swimming, going to the beach?
Theresa:Where are you going to eat? Mcdonald's Chick-fil-A Red Lobster Tropical Smoothie Cafe, olive Garden, panera.
Amanda:I'll also say Olive Garden.
Kip:That's fair, that's also what I said Tropical. Smoothie Cafe sounds interesting. I've never heard of it. Me neither. I kind of want to go there.
Theresa:I know I wouldn't mind a tropical smoothie. What movie are you watching? Inside Out 2, armageddon Avengers Endgame.
Amanda:Notebook Mean Girls 2, Titanic Inside Out 2. This is also a very new quiz for a show that aired 20 years ago. It is very new, I think it came out pretty recently.
Theresa:What will you do after? Go straight to sleep.
Amanda:Scroll. I know this one too. Scroll after Go straight to sleep. I know this one too.
Theresa:What's your favorite season of Lost Three? Oh, the one we're going to record next Interesting.
Amanda:We'll see for that finale.
Theresa:That finale.
Kip:The bomb.
Amanda:What, and Sawyer and Kate do it.
Kip:Is that what happens?
Amanda:I'm just spoiling everything now.
Theresa:Is that in a cage? Oh, I remember the cage and I remember thinking okay yeah, juliet, oh yeah, yeah Juliet.
Amanda:You're gonna see, juliet in the first episode.
Kip:Yeah, it's also one of the sorry.
Theresa:I was so excited. Who's your favorite character out of these options? Locke Shannon Hurley. Sun Juliet Rose. Juliet you're Claire, oh Claire, we're a couple. You guys are meant to be.
Amanda:That's another you know arguable point, I guess, and you're Saeed.
Theresa:And I'm Saeed, you and I both go crazy.
Kip:in season six I die.
Amanda:Season three is also my favorite because of all the Charlie stuff.
Theresa:I don't remember anything about this season.
Amanda:You have not. Penny's boat is this season oh, oh sad season three is a great season it's a great. I actually think season four might be what you're thinking of I think so, because isn't it? Season five's when they come back. He's still there, but season no, we don't have to redo the whole thing.
Theresa:No, no, I'm just gonna redo it myself for you.
Kip:I remember your answers um but yeah, I I think it is season four because at the end of season three we have to go back yeah and then season four, does the light go off? Yes, yep, it is. So. Yeah, season four is the one I was thinking of yeah, yeah, because season five is one where they, where most of the time travel happens like the crazy time travel, yeah, exactly unfortunately you're still charlie get out of here, yeah even with that slight change okay change my? No, just kidding you're still charlie.
Theresa:Okay, I have one more. It's called the impossible lost quiz oh, can we do it together.
Amanda:You guys can do it together I did it I did it by myself, and what'd you get?
Theresa:I'll tell you after okay, or should I just say no, yeah, no, no, tell us after okay, how many days had the survivors from the front row of the plane been on the island before we met the survivors from the tail section of the plane?
Kip:48 perfect.
Theresa:That's your answer. What are the last words that desmond says to jack when they meet in the stadium? Well, maybe we'll meet again. Nice to meet you, brother. Go, gotta press some buttons. See you in another life, brother.
Amanda:See you in another life.
Theresa:Which of these is not the name of a lost season finale? Live Together, die Alone Exodus the Flash Forward Through the Looking Glass Flash Forward. The flash forward through the looking glass Flash forward. What were the circumstances?
Kip:that led to Rose and Bernard meeting Rose's car stuck in the snow, rose's car stuck in the snow.
Theresa:Which member? Let's see if we can answer it without the multiple choice first, okay, which member of the Lost cast also has a leading role in the Hobbit trilogy?
Kip:Oh, dominic Monaghan, oh shit, you guys have to agree Eventually, lily. The Hobbit yeah the.
Amanda:Hobbit. If it was Lord of the Rings, it would be. That's right.
Theresa:Which Lost writer wrote the most episodes?
Kip:I think we need the multiple choice.
Theresa:We might need the multiple choice Carlton Cuse, Adam Horowitz, Damon Lindelof, Edward Kitsis.
Amanda:Well, that's going to be hard.
Kip:I don't know. I think Adam Horowitz maybe. I don't know. Did Damon and Carlton write that many though?
Amanda:They wrote all the big ones, yeah, but like Did they write that many?
Kip:There's so many in between the big ones, right.
Amanda:Adam Horowitz.
Theresa:You guys agree. Yeah, okay agree, yeah, okay, on average how many people viewed?
Kip:season one or season one episode? What on abc season one episodes like all of like what was the season one average?
Theresa:I think so. I think that's 17, is that an?
Amanda:answer no oh is 17 an answer no what are the?
Theresa:15.69 million 200,000,. 2 billion 12.87 million.
Kip:Oh, 15. So I'll go with 15 then.
Theresa:What was the model of the plane that Boone and Locke found hanging off the edge of a cliff?
Kip:Beachcomber. Sorry, is that an answer? No, oh.
Amanda:We might need the multiple choices.
Theresa:Nigeria Power 665. Ecomobile 999. Fuel Rocket 01. Beechcraft 18.
Amanda:Oh, Beechcraft Close.
Theresa:Which of these was not a Dharma Initiative research station?
Theresa:The Arrow, the Wing, the Flame, the Staff.
Kip:The Wing, amanda's. Like I'm not sure. Do we agree? Like, do we agree?
Amanda:I'm not sure you can see on her face.
Theresa:I don't know about that one, and this is super easy. What? This is not an impossible quiz, I just need to say, but it's the hardest one I could find that was not really long. Yeah, because all the other ones were like hundreds of questions. I'm like we don't have time for that. We need something quick and dirty. What was the surname of Ben's false identity, henry? Gail okay, you got 90%, wow 90% what did we get wrong?
Theresa:oh, what did you get wrong? That's a good question. Oh wait, hold on. Now it's giving me an ad.
Amanda:Close the ad we know we got that one right.
Theresa:The correct answer to which Lost writer wrote the most episodes was Damon Lindelof. Oh, it was.
Theresa:That's the one. I got that one right, but I didn't get the finale one. I was like I don't know. I barely know any of the episodes.
Amanda:You thought a show that is all about mystery named one of their season finales. I wasn't at work, Amanda.
Theresa:I was not distracted. The flash forward. I'm not saying that my mind was in the best place. Still 90%, Very good yeah that's what I thought, especially for something that was quote-unquote impossible.
Kip:Yeah, so not even close to impossible.
Amanda:No very easy. Teresa also came up with some really fun questions earlier that we can answer. We've already talked about a few of them. A good one is okay. Whose character growth do you like the most, and why?
Theresa:My favorite one. See, I feel like I have an advantage.
Kip:I wrote these questions, so I had thought about it already.
Theresa:My favorite one is Sawyer's. I think that from who he is in the very first episode to who he is at the end are like two different people. It's like night and day and you just see this growth through his relationship with juliet. You see his relationship with kate even like, just like little bits of growth until he becomes like the man that he is and like could always be, but like his circumstance, like led him a different path, kind of thing. Like I think that that 70s era was so good for him.
Amanda:Yeah, I love his growth, yeah me too, and and it's very clear in his flash sideways um, I think that honestly, I really like jack's growth too, though like I think jack you know that's probably a pretty obvious answer but I think he really does like change and and, quite honestly, I think the best example of how far jack has gone is that he can walk through those doors into the church at the end, because the jack of real time lost life would never have been able to do that and to accept that this was kind of it and to kind of move on right.
Amanda:That is like the biggest ask he could ever have. And that's not even talking about all the stuff he does to get where you know. You know when he says things like Locke was right all along, blah, blah, blah, blah, that kind of stuff and like letting go of you know all of that stuff. But I just think he, by the end, is very able to accept where he is at, as opposed to where he thinks he should be, which is in control and controlling everything. He just is more okay with things happening that happen.
Theresa:He learned to let go he learned to let go.
Kip:Yeah. Yeah, I was going to say Jack too, but in the in the interest of having someone else's character development, I'll go with Claire. Oh, because when she had that squirrel baby it was very different Development.
Amanda:I mean I guess we've never no one said development had to be positive. Oh my God, that's so funny.
Theresa:I did not expect that answer at all.
Kip:Oh my goodness, oh, that's hilarious, she goes wild. Well, she's been traumatized oh, big time, yeah messed up that was.
Kip:I can't even imagine like I feel like I would have also gone kind of crazy, honestly but back to jack, like I think for him, him he would be the one I I like the most. And just seeing him accept taking leadership of the island, even though he knows it's probably going to be brief, just to help get these people away and he goes from season one well, for a few seasons of being adamant that the island is the worst thing possible and he has to get off and he has to help everybody else get off that's his only job to being the protector of the island. I think that's huge oh yeah, 100 yeah so we kind of already talked about it.
Amanda:But because we talked about what our favorite season is, so I feel we might as well, and I think I already kind of answered this.
Amanda:But you know what is your favorite season and why, and I had said during the quiz, mine is season three and I made some jokes about it.
Amanda:Obviously it's not because Kate and Sawyer hook up, that was a joke, um, but I do like, like, for me, season three really, you know, you could really say for every season, but season three to me is really where the show changes right and you realize the expansiveness of this world that this show has created and the others, and you know what they've done, and that kind of world building is insane to me. It has some of the best like episodes, um, and a lot of really big moments, um, does it drag a little bit here and there? Sure, but you get an explosive premiere, you get an explosive finale and you get some some really interesting things kind of along the way, when we had, uh, the director and producer of the documentary that's coming out right away, um, they talked about through the looking glass being a very important one of their favorite episodes. That is the season three finale and I am so excited to talk about it.
Kip:Yeah, season three is really, really, really good. I mean you have Juliet and, like Ben, full time, so it's like obviously it's going to be good.
Theresa:Yeah, mm-hmm.
Kip:Mm-hmm, what's your favorite episode of season three?
Amanda:I really like greatest hits. You do, I know.
Kip:I know it's so cute. I know that's going to be a tough one.
Amanda:It's going to be a tough one. It's a Charlie-centric one.
Kip:I love him in this episode.
Amanda:I was going to say he has a good you know what he has a good you know what again we said, there's gonna be spoilers charlie dies in season three. He goes out of hero good.
Kip:He has a good redemption arc you want to talk about character development.
Amanda:His is actually probably pretty decent too yeah um. Is it enough to make me look back on him with any sort of overall positivity? No, no. Is Dominic Monaghan's hand tattooed on most Lost fans' bodies?
Amanda:Because he's just, it's a very. He is part of what is one of the most infamous moments of the show Iconic I like Greatest Hits. I like Through the Looking Glass. I like whatever episode it is where he performs surgery, the actual surgery on Ben. Oh yeah, yeah, I like that episode a lot.
Kip:Yeah, I would say like Not Penny's Boat. Yeah, that's a crazy moment. I think Exposé is in season three. Very good episode.
Amanda:Teresa, while you're doing that, tell us. If you said season four is your favorite, is it because of that? 70s Sawyer?
Kip:Yeah, I just I love Sawyer and I think it's not what's the other guy's name who came on the boat and then stayed.
Amanda:Miles, miles.
Kip:Yeah and Hurley and.
Kip:Jin. I love their story joining Darmaville and just like creating this life and.
Kip:I with him with Juliet, like just it's just so wholesome, I know, and the way that it comes across, but not in a hokey way, because you still have everything else going on in the island and of course you have, like Jack and Kate and the others, the Oceanic Six off island dealing with all that stuff, which is super interesting because you kind of get to see, yeah, what would happen to six people, survivors of a very infamous plane crash, that suddenly appear.
Amanda:I loved how they explained that too and like the sort of the the how they were the lies behind it and yeah, how, what? How it fucked them up exactly.
Kip:Yeah, I love season four. It's really really good yeah, it's gonna be. I don't know what my favorite episode would be, though I I'm not good at remembering like individual episodes or their meetings, but it's the constant um because it's everyone's favorite episode of lost that's season four. Yeah, it is, oh yeah, wow, oh yeah, oh, it's so good, it's so good trees is still looking through the books you know it's okay if you don't have one.
Amanda:It's not a very like. The show is serialized, it's hard to be like. That's why, to me, greatest Hits actually is a good answer, because it's somewhat stand-alone-y feeling.
Theresa:I'm gonna say, based on um these, these synopses, synops, synopsosis, synops, one of us which one's that syed, kate and jack. Syed, kate, jack and juliet returning camp, but not everybody's warmly received juliet recalls her arrival on the island and her relationship with ben. When claire gets sick, juliet may be the only one who can save her. In a flashback we see how. See how Juliet arrived on the island, that's a really good episode.
Amanda:That's a good one. It's a Juliet backstory, which is nice. But what's your favorite season? We didn't even get to hear it because we did the quiz off. Now. Season one oh.
Theresa:It's season one. Season one is an inspiration to me in my writing, which is a fun fact Not that you guys have read what I wrote that is similar.
Theresa:It's not similar but like, well, we've heard it takes inspiration from like the character on the character development side, um, and I just it's what drew me in from the beginning. I love the storytelling of it, I love the character development of it, I love the relationships, I like the twists and turns. It was like I didn't know, like amanda kind of said earlier, like you don't know that you're watching a sci-fi, fantasy thing in the beginning, because you just think like, oh, it's a survival-y, typical castaway kind of situation. Um, I like that twist, but I'm not a big sci-fi person and yet could not stop watching, like even the smoke monster, like, come on, it's a smoke monster and yet I want to know why.
Kip:Yeah, do you see the smoke monster in season one?
Amanda:Or do you not see the smoke?
Kip:until season two.
Amanda:No, you see it in season one, but it's brief. Yeah, right, right, right.
Theresa:But I just remember thinking like, thinking like, okay, like clearly it's dinosaurs at first. I know everyone thinks that because like what is big enough? To knock down, yeah and then I was like I'm not, I don't think I'm gonna like it because, like, I'm not a big king kong fan, I'm not a big like jurassic park fan. And then I was like, but I kind of still need to know and like I think it is the characters that, like, kept me coming back to like, know more. So yeah, season one I'm a fave.
Kip:It's funny you say that about not really liking sci-fi and they do a slow burn. Because, it's funny in season two, one of the later episodes, hurley or Saeed crack a joke that maybe something's traveled through time and Saeed thinks he's serious for a second, gives him this look like what the fuck you're talking about and says like just, or really just kidding? That's so silly. And everyone's like oh, thank god, they're not talking about time travel.
Theresa:And then lo and behold two seasons later, it's like hello time travel oh, that part gets so like I'm not a big time travel person either, but like I find they did such a good job of it where it's not, it's not so convoluted that you're just like this doesn't really make sense and it's not like just kind of magic yeah, like it, like it, it works together like quite well it does.
Amanda:But it is the kind of time travel that makes my head hurt. Yes, in the sense that, like I find there's like two kind of like theories on time travel that like often weave their way through like science fiction, and one is this like everything's kind of like a fixed point and like for you to be there to even affect something, it means it already happened, so you can, can't really change anything, or that idea that, like everything you do changes everything. Going forward and lost is more like that. Like they like the cause and effect of like everything that happened to them then is because they went back and did it, but then like they had to have gone back to do it in order for it to have happened, and it makes my head hurt a lot.
Kip:Still love it, though, because then, like, they even say things like well, whatever happened happened, like there's no, and you're like yeah, but I don't think that's not true no, you're trying to pull the fleece over our eyes.
Theresa:I mean, I take it as whatever happened happened yeah I take it quite. I mean, whatever happened happened is probably the best thing that I've ever taken out of the show.
Kip:Yeah, it's like a life lesson, but time travel. But time travel-wise I feel like it still kind of makes sense.
Amanda:I mean whatever happened, happened it still I mean happened in the past happened to affect the future.
Theresa:That affected the past. That affected the future.
Amanda:Well, it's interesting that you said that it taught you something, because one of your own questions was what, if anything, has the show taught you?
Theresa:whatever happens happens. Whatever happened happened, especially whatever happened happened. Because that's what christian says at the end. He's like I think that's what he said like everything that happened happened or something like that or whatever, and like that's how I feel about the past. Whatever happened happened can't change it yeah it is what it is. And then, in the words of mama june, it is what it is shut. And then, in the words of Mama June, it is what it is Shut up. And move on even.
Kip:Stevens. So you know we have two very compelling shows.
Amanda:Some might say philosophical wonders.
Kip:Yeah, you have Lost, and.
Amanda:Here comes Honey, boo Boo, here comes Honey.
Kip:Boo, boo, and that's about the difference in Teresa's likes.
Theresa:Like that's pretty much the whole continuum. I like a lot of things, Right. What about you? Has it?
Kip:taught you anything I don't know? I was trying to think about that and I can't really think of anything. It taught me. I don't learn things very easily. Of course you do Very easily Of course you do Very easily.
Amanda:Well, it taught me that situations and people can have a very profound effect on your life, To the point where, like you know, I think a good example of that is Sawyer and Juliet part ways and Sawyer, in theory, goes on to live a very long you know blissful life some people hypothesize that him and Kate get together.
Amanda:Some people hypothesize that he spends time with his child. Whatever it may be, when they all go back, you know and some of them died on the island, some died here, some died there, whoever died when they all end up back there together because that was the most important part of their life for them, and so you know, it kind of taught me that you know you don't necessarily know in the moment what is going to have like as big a profound effect on you overall, as big a profound effect on you overall, and you really should just, you know, embrace the connections and experiences and stuff you're having, because it could end up being the thing that you hold on to until whatever comes next, kind of thing.
Kip:Yeah, right, yeah, that's very nice that is nice um, I'll go in a different direction. In that, lost did teach me to appreciate filler episodes.
Kip:I do think that that is a Lost art in TV these days because you have very short seasons, very direct and specific stories that are mapped out to the T from before they even start filming. And Lost had to do filler episodes because they were. They had a order of 22 episodes to fill and not everyone could be a banger and so they had to do you know some really ridiculous episodes and they've sort of become known to be um over the years. Just a renewed appreciation for some of these less than you know um, not the uh jack bender directed episodes and damon and carlton q's written episodes, the, the less friendly ones, the filler episodes razzle, dazzle love for the filler it's true you do need time, like your brain needs to process right.
Amanda:Like at the end of the day, you can't constantly be taking in like this higher level. Like it's the same reason. Like we can't all read like proust and shakespeare all day long. Like sometimes you have to read a betty and veronica well, you know like, yeah, we could go philosophical.
Kip:You need filler in your life too like oh, yeah, yeah, like you were just saying you can't and not every day can be the best day of your life, god no.
Amanda:All right, a couple more. What is your favorite connection relationship? I think we've all kind of hinted at how much we love one relationship, but it doesn't even have to be a romantic one.
Theresa:Yeah, my favorite romantic one, sorry, and Juliet, my favorite non-romantic one. I have to think about it.
Kip:My favorite non-romantic one is Jin Hurley and Sawyer. Oh, as a trio, yes, I think that's season three, when they're working on the van.
Amanda:Oh, so good.
Kip:Just them together is so good. And then later on jinn and and just sawyer because hurley's been off the island. But uh, romantic, probably sawyer and juliet, like it's just so cute yeah it's so beautiful and so unexpected yeah, I know she just changes him in such a positive way.
Theresa:They're so cute together I think I'm with you on the non-romantic one. I was going to say, yeah, like Sawyer and Jin, like their bromance is so freaking cute.
Kip:Yeah, I know Well, just like Sawyer and Hurley, even like from season one and two, where he basically like makes Hurley's life a living hell and they become kind of bros.
Amanda:Yeah, it's nice to see that growth I love sorry, and juliet obviously, um I there's like literally like nothing toxic about their relationship at all. It's literally perfect, um. But I think I really like I don't know, I like Jack and Sawyer. I think it's really cute at the end, even when they like shake hands in the church like and share that kind of like. They're just something seemed like really like this, like settled understanding between them that took literally seasons and years to develop.
Amanda:I think Locke and Jack have a cool relationship, like it doesn't always have to be like a cool relationship like it doesn't always have to be like a good relationship to be interesting like they obviously don't get along very well at a lot of points, but they end up being really important for each other. I think honorable mention for like relationship, though, should also be for Desmond and Penny because they're so cute, they're good, they are really cute.
Amanda:So, yeah, it's not a lot okay, so what you know, this is kind of something I think maybe we could like end on in terms of this is what was your favorite kind of eureka moment on lost um, or like something that was answered or finally made sense, that kind of put it all into perspective for you. I do have one, if you guys need to.
Amanda:You can go first so we often talk on the show about, like I said, about how some people think that they've been dead the whole time and I never thought that. But I really think that part of the reason I never thought that was because I was so invested in Sawyer and Juliet's relationship and I love them so freaking much that I could probably act out every single thing that they did by the time we got to season six, and so when they are in the finale and they're talking at the vending machine, they literally have the conversation that she's half having with Sawyer when she's down the shaft or whatever just got chills and to me again, I'm not in their minds, but I was like, oh my god, she's saying to him what she said and I guess you know, you could think you know at the time, like, oh it, just because they're the same people, they're just having a similar conversation they would have had in this life, in this new life.
Amanda:but what you realize when you like, actually, for me at least, was no, she had that conversation when she was dying, because she was straddling the afterlife and purgatory and when you die you instantly go to whatever moment, right in theory. And so she was already having that conversation in the afterlife with afterlife Sawyer, and that's how I see it, and to me that was like the Eureka moment of like there's no way this is anything other than like the afterlife or purgatory for them and it like really to me, like solidified that fact and also on like, just like an out of the show thing, really impressed me that the writers were able to cause that's like the season five finale to like.
Amanda:I want to say either the finale of season six or the like penultimate. So you're like a whole season of dialogue and story and they were able to piece it together like that. Like that's phenomenal writing.
Kip:It's amazing's amazing. Yeah, no, that's a really good one.
Theresa:That is a good one I know I'm trying to think what mine would be like. I think mine had to do with the flash sideways as well. Um, just the moment where you realize that like it's like, not sideways, isn't the right word for it. Right, Like the flash, I mean flash sideways, whatever he calls it. But you know. Yeah, it's not necessarily yeah it's not necessarily like sideways, yeah, but like I don't know how to explain that any better than I just did, which was not that great. So fantastic, Great so fantastic.
Kip:I mean, like my most wow moment would probably be Jack saying we have to go back when. I think that's the most memorable moment for me of the entire show and maybe a bit of a eureka like not in the traditional sense of like, oh it's all coming together, but it's just like wow, we were hood oinked once again in like such a good way that just makes you so thrilled to to keep watching.
Amanda:Yeah, I, the thing with this show that's so incredible is like there are so many mysteries and surprises and you know, in some like mysteries even, like you know, like the, like the new remakes of, like the Agatha Christie ones with Kenneth Branagh or whatever. Those like um, like what's it called, like Haunting of Venice or things like that, like those kind of like whodunit mysteries. Like we're even so hardwired, I think, as people to be like okay, so it's not gonna be the really obvious person, so it's gonna be like the second or third or fourth most obvious person, so you already know to like not look where you want to look. I feel like with lost, it wasn't that like there was literally no way to figure this, so that there was no like okay, it obviously can't be this, so it must be this. So you looked at that like there was no way to know what was going on ever.
Amanda:Yeah, and every time a moment like that happened, you're like yep, nope, did not okay all right, yeah, okay, and they were so good at that and I don't know that a show like I'm not saying like I watched hunting in venice and I'm like I know who did it, I don't, but I know to like look at different things in different ways I had no idea what I was looking at ever, and I don't think we've had anything that really replicates that no, I agree with you because I do.
Theresa:You guys ever do that thing where when you're watching something, you predict what's going to happen next or you predict the ending. So like I do a lot like I'm not always right, obviously, but like there are times where I'm just like I bet this is what happens next. Oh, I bet this is what happens next. Amanda's heard me do it like tons of times. I don't think I've ever successfully done it for Lost, mainly because I can't even think of what's going to happen next, because nothing is out of the realm of possibility. It could literally be anything.
Kip:I know, I know so good.
Kip:I mean it's crazy that it started 20 years ago.
Amanda:It's insane.
Theresa:I can't, like it doesn't compute. Still to me, Like 20 years is a long time, that's a whole adult yeah.
Amanda:Yeah, it's almost legal, as people say all the time Well in the States, Larry.
Kip:Larry Larry.
Theresa:Who's Larry?
Kip:Baby Aaron.
Theresa:Oh, my God Baby.
Kip:Aaron is an adult. He would be like 20 years old now.
Amanda:Oh, my God. I wonder if any of that they should interview one of the babies.
Kip:Yeah, what the fuck? I was a baby, I don't know.
Theresa:Okay, but first of all it probably wouldn't be, probably wouldn't be 20. It'd probably be like 25. Cause those babies were huge.
Kip:Also, there was many years in between. Yeah, that's so funny, but like well, no, I guess yeah.
Amanda:No, it's been 20. Yeah, be 20 years old still yeah, because he wasn't.
Kip:He wasn't like no but, I'm four years old.
Theresa:No I'm saying the like actual baby no, the actual no.
Kip:I know I was, I know I was exaggerating.
Theresa:Obviously I know that that's not a four-year-old baby, like I just mean, that was a very big, it's probably such a big baby closer large baby very big well and it's funny because, like there, there's things online back even back in the day, Like is that a different baby this week?
Kip:They're always different babies. I know.
Theresa:Well that must have been so hard, Sometimes not even a baby.
Amanda:Even just if you look at the actors like from season six to season one. Like that much time was not supposed to have passed on the island. It's like there's clearly big changes exactly I know and I I mean.
Theresa:That's why it makes sense that like walt's, not like a huge like part of it later because, like I mean, how could he be? I mean he was what like 11, 10 and like yeah, I mean, if you're doing it day by day, by day, and's been a year, like he's going through puberty, pretty soon.
Kip:Yeah, they must've had a different plan, because I can't imagine them going with an 11 year old thinking there might only be over four to six seasons less than a year past, or whatever it is.
Theresa:Or like a year, at the most two yeah.
Amanda:Yeah, maybe they thought like I know that is part of like there's a couple reasons why, like teenage shows usually cast like young adults versus kids or teenagers. One of them is that over 18 they can work more hours, but another one is that there is usually less of a change, you know, between you know 19 and 20 and 25, than there is between like 14 and 18 yeah exactly and that, you know, maybe they did just kind of not think about it, but it's like, yeah, they should have either made it like a little kid that you could kind of like play change in and out.
Amanda:You know, we don't. You're not quite as familiar, but I don't know it's it's.
Theresa:it's hard, especially when you're talking about like kids, like how to, like you can't keep them young, like that's not a real thing.
Kip:So before we end, I'm going to read a quote from that vanity fair article by Javier.
Kip:Okay, he says it was a once in a lifetime. It was singular and irreproducible chemical reaction brought about by the most unlikely collision of talent, hubris and circumstances imaginable. It was beautiful and mystifying and frustrating and oftentimes quite terrible both to make and to watch. But I was there at the beginning and to this day, especially as it grows dimmer and dimmer, I yearn for the heady energy that came from being a part of something like that. That felt impossible yet will most likely rate a mention in the history of the medium. I bled for, lost. All of us who worked on it did, and lost certainly made all of us bleed more than once. But if I went to my mailbox today and found in it an envelope holding a ticket for oceanic airlines flight 815, I would not only accept that ticket, knowing exactly what was to come, I would board that airplane with a smile and gladly open a vein in exchange for another glance, however, fleeting at a lonely, faraway, inscrutable island where magic and wonder truly were possible. So good eh that's beautiful yeah, it's a good article.
Amanda:Check it out, I'll have to check it out yeah, definitely that's.
Theresa:That's great. I would probably bring a parachute if I definitely that's that's great.
Kip:I would probably bring a parachute if I was gonna go on the airline.
Theresa:I just maybe pick us, you know, pick a seat where it wasn't right in the middle, maybe, because that sounds terrifying yeah, that really says it all, though it really is.
Amanda:It was a beautiful show and I'm excited to get to talk about four more seasons of it with everyone I know, know, I'm really excited.
Theresa:I'm glad that we're back.
Kip:Season three, the last long season.
Theresa:Yeah, and the season with one of my favorite characters of all time in any series ever Juliet Juliet. But we'll see how the rankings show that.
Kip:Yeah, that's right Because like I can't Juliet has not been in the rankings yet.
Theresa:No and like I know that she's done some unsavory things. So yeah that won't go well all right, all right.
Kip:So happy 20th anniversary everybody.
Amanda:Happy 20th anniversary to lost yeah, thank you for giving us so much to talk about yeah, literally yeah, we, yeah.
Theresa:We have a whole pod it's three best friends sitting in a room talking about the show that they love so, so much, even 20 years later.
Kip:All right, bye-bye.
Theresa:Bye, bye.