Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
We're your Oceanic Three: Theresa, Amanda, and Kip. Join us as we get in-depth about our favourite television show - Lost! We talk about everything: The Island, The Survivors, The Tailies, The Others, The Myths, The Theories, and on and on and on, but we also talk about how Lost changed the television landscape when it came out and how it still reverberates to this day.
Most of all, though, we always come back to how Lost is primarily a character-driven show. For every myth and mystery, five incredible character stories were told. They were complex, mysterious, beautiful, and sometimes challenging to watch - but the characters and their interwoven lives brought Lost to a different level unlike anything ever seen on television.
We would love it if you joined us as we get in-depth about all the Losties, what makes them tick, why they do what they do, and ultimately - what they're doing on the Island.
Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
Let's Get Lost Reviews The Getting Lost Documentary
An excerpt from an upcoming episode where we talk about the release of the Getting Lost Documentary! Spoiler Alert: We f*cking loved it!
Hear some of the highlights, what we loved most about it, and who really surprised us with their interviews!
Check out the Getting Lost Documentary here and see when/where you can see it: GETTING LOST | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree
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