Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
We're your Oceanic Three: Theresa, Amanda, and Kip. Join us as we get in-depth about our favourite television show - Lost! We talk about everything: The Island, The Survivors, The Tailies, The Others, The Myths, The Theories, and on and on and on, but we also talk about how Lost changed the television landscape when it came out and how it still reverberates to this day.
Most of all, though, we always come back to how Lost is primarily a character-driven show. For every myth and mystery, five incredible character stories were told. They were complex, mysterious, beautiful, and sometimes challenging to watch - but the characters and their interwoven lives brought Lost to a different level unlike anything ever seen on television.
We would love it if you joined us as we get in-depth about all the Losties, what makes them tick, why they do what they do, and ultimately - what they're doing on the Island.
Let's Get Lost with The Oceanic Three
Let's Get Lost 47 - Season 3: A Tale of Two Cities
The Season 3 premiere of "Lost" intricately weaves the threads of obsession, trust, and emotional growth, primarily focusing on Jack's internal struggles and the mysterious addition of Juliet. The episode unpacks the complexities of captivity, emotionally charged interactions, and the haunting presence of the Others as they manipulate the protagonists' realities.
- Introduction of Juliet as a potential ally or enemy
- Jack grappling with jealousy, obsession, and his past
- The psychological games played by the Others heightening suspense
- Sawyer's comic relief amidst the dark tones of imprisonment
- Jack's emotional growth and acceptance of Sarah's happiness
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Hello everybody and welcome to this week's episode of let's Get Lost. Not only is it this week's episode, but it's the first episode I can't with these two. I also I'm still legitimately looking for two new co-hosts. I should have auditioned people at the documentary.
Kip:All we're doing is sitting here silently cheering yeah, exactly, silently meokin' me is what they're doing is sitting here silently cheering yeah, exactly silently me is what they're doing?
Amanda:uh, all I was going to say was that I'm very excited because it is the first episode of season three and, although we did release recently a kind of fun 20th anniversary episode, it is the first time we've sat together to talk about an episode in a long time.
Kip:I'm very excited, super pumped. It is time.
Amanda:It is time.
Kip:It is time, alrighty. So season 3, episode 1. Oh my god, I can't believe it's season 3 already.
Amanda:Season 3. My favorite season.
Kip:Wow, is it.
Kip:This is one of the best season openers.
Amanda:It's so good. I'm not going to lie to you guys. I don't mind the love triangle right now.
Kip:After we just shit on it, I love it. Well, let's get the synopsis of this premiere episode.
Theresa:All right. So this one's called A Tale of Two Cities Story by Damon Lindelof. Teleplay by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof. Teleplay by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof, directed by Kipper's favorite, jack Bender. Was also nice to see what Jack Bender looked like.
Kip:Yeah, he was cool in the doc too.
Amanda:I couldn't tell the difference between him and Carlton Cuse after they stopped using the title cards for them.
Theresa:Oh my god.
Amanda:Old white men. All look the same to me, oh my god, alright, anyway.
Theresa:Okay. So, all right, anyway. Um, okay. So jack, kate and sawyer each wake up on their own to discover that they are being held prisoner by the others. Jack's attempted escape reveals that he is in deeper than he ever imagined.
Amanda:In a flashback, jack's jealousy alienates his wife okay well, to be fair, I think that the alienation started before that. But yeah, eek Yikes.
Kip:Okay, I'll give you some stats. Okay, 8.6 out of 10 on IMDb Pretty damn good. 18.82 million viewers that's pretty high, it's very high, not their highest, but still pretty good. Do you remember how many nicknames Sawyer used this episode?
Kip:Correct. Do you remember what they are? No Chachi is one, and I don't know. Freckles, classic freckles, yeah, chachi and freckles, and day 68 on the island.
Theresa:Been two months. That's crazy. Over two months, yeah, over two months.
Kip:Okay, so I have some trivia. I think they're fairly easy. I don't know. Oh, I don't have a sound. Oh yeah, this is a new season. Think of your trivia sounds. Take some time. Think of what you're going to say. Make it season three special effect, if you can.
Amanda:I don't know if I can, yet I can't think of anything.
Theresa:I wanted it to be from this episode and I'm drawing a blank.
Amanda:Okay, I'm ready. It's going to be a long one though. Yeah, it's going to let me.
Theresa:Let me go. It's going to be a long one.
Amanda:Yeah, it's a quote.
Theresa:Remember when we were always going to do quotes, oh, okay.
Amanda:Remember, and it was going to be a new one every time.
Amanda:Do you First question what book are they reading in the book club?
Theresa:Well, my quote. My thing was going to be, so I guess I'm out of the book club.
Kip:Oh my, God that was mine too. Oh wow, that's a good one.
Amanda:I don't know the book, so if Teresa does, I'll let her steal it. I don't know, but I do know it's by Stephen King. Okay, is it it? Yeah, take a guess is it it no?
Theresa:I have no idea.
Amanda:Carrie, I know it was by Stephen King, because I remember that.
Kip:But okay, alright, fair but I want you to say your quote with more Ben like conviction, please so I guess I'm out of the book club pretty good, so I guess this means I'm out of the book club.
Theresa:Pretty good, pretty good. So I guess this means I'm out of the book club I think mine was better probably this is videoed. We have a winner theresa woodward my face.
Kip:Okay, next question how many actors from the previous seasons are no longer credited as main characters?
Theresa:I don't even remember seeing the credits.
Amanda:I do, but I'm trying to think, so I guess I'm out of the book club Three.
Amanda:Is it two? Incorrect one four, four correct so it's cynthia watros.
Theresa:Yeah, it's michelle rodriguez, yeah harold perrineau yeah, and walt, walt, yeah, but malcolm david, malcolm david kelly, that's it I was really only thinking when I said three.
Amanda:I was forgetting Walt.
Amanda:I thought Walt might've already been out of it.
Kip:I think he was still credited, and but then just now, as of season three, they've been completely written out.
Amanda:Good Writtens To all of them, including Walt, Even though okay. Highlight of the documentary.
Kip:Did you know?
Amanda:that Malcolm David Kelly was in that group.
Kip:I had no idea, and how hilarious it was. They were singing on like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade behind Kiss.
Theresa:Or in front of Kiss. Yeah, so weird, I've heard that song, same here.
Amanda:Had no idea, wow.
Kip:That's so weird. Anyway, he's in.
Amanda:M2K or MKO. That's not it. That's a really important organization actually.
Kip:Let's get it. I'll cut up the silence.
Amanda:That was crazy, because I've definitely heard that song before.
Kip:Yeah, that was cool. I didn't know that either.
Theresa:It's a pop duo, malcolm Kelly, and then I'm guessing the other one is.
Kip:Some other person.
Theresa:Is Tony Aller.
Amanda:Interesting and they had a hit with that.
Theresa:I want to be like what I want to be like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah okay, so they are apparently a multi-platinum duo.
Amanda:Holy shit, that song alone has 1 billion streams on spotify good for him, yeah I'm like, look to be fair. That's not like 2012, but that's actually pretty impressive.
Kip:Good for him I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of two things that come in 2012. They don't have that many plays, though.
Amanda:That's true, true doubt so I had no idea. That was like one of the craziest things, okay, oh, all right, not maria.
Kip:Do we have a takeaway? I have a takeaway. High level takeaway Yep.
Amanda:Listen to me.
Kip:You know what?
Amanda:I'm going to be real with you. It is kind of tied into the documentary. High level takeaway from this episode and I think we need to highlight her in lots of ways is that Juliet is the perfect angel. She's a perfect angel baby, and you want to know why she's a perfect angel baby? Because apparently so is Elizabeth Mitchell theitchell, the actress.
Theresa:Oh my god, she was so sweet in the documentary.
Amanda:It was like literally watching juliet yeah, yeah in real life she is juliet.
Kip:She was the sweetest person, I think, like every time she came on, all three of us just turned.
Amanda:Oh my god, she's so sweet she's so cute, so motherly and so like. She's just like, so, like there's no, there's no other way to describe it she's so sweet she's so cute, so motherly and so like.
Theresa:She's just like, so, like there's no, there's no other way to describe it.
Amanda:She's just like.
Theresa:She makes you want to like, grab your heart and be like oh I know, and her voice is so like soothing yeah, somehow I don't know if that's the right word comforting, yeah like it's just I, just I want her to just be in my life so my high level takeaway is that she is perfect in real life as well, but when you, if you're watching for the first time and you're kind of like, what are these people raving about this?
Amanda:like villainous person, I have to say even I think she still brings a sweetness, even when she's on the wrong side, right? So the takeaway is that, like she heard, the nuance and sweetness to her character is very, is very good and very well developed and clearly sorry part of who she is as a person. Elizabeth mitchell, that's all I was gonna say.
Kip:I love it. That's fantastic do we have.
Amanda:I think what we're gonna go with this was a stream of consciousness also, you've gone in.
Theresa:All right, all right, here we go. A tale of two cities. Okay, I gotta watch the recap because it's been a while. Yikes on bikes, you're coming with us. All right, we start with an eyeball. Who's unsure? Music okay, I see a mirroring between season two's opening, but a different song, and we see who it is right away and I'm pretty jazzed. But I don't remember how this goes. But doesn't she seem like a happy little camper? Aw, poor thing, she's not having a good time anymore. Anyone else? See the legs on the side of the house? Her voice is cute. Her voice is cute. Oh, it's a book club. Do people really read books in the bathroom? She's sassy. Have fun. Uh-oh, earthquake. Oh, it's Ethan fixing her plumbing. What is happening right now? What are we looking at? Why are we all looking up? If we had an earthquake? Oh shit, we're going from like day one plane crash. But a different perspective, gotcha. Can people run for an hour? Is that real? I don't like how quick everyone is to act here. It's so creepy.
Amanda:Yes, keep going? Can people run for an hour? What do you think a marathon is?
Theresa:I don't know how long a marathon is it's hours is it yeah?
Theresa:absolutely. Oh my god, that's awful. Why do people put themselves through this anyway? Back in um, yikes, ben just called out juliet. Um, how come the person isn't running on the path? Ew, zoom this, zoom out.
Theresa:Where is this on the on the island? Um, why is Jack lurking at a playground? Oh, he's talking, sarah. He's clearly flirting with someone else. They giggling, they laughing. Jack's angry, but honestly, this is not the place to be lurking. Was he dreaming when is this now? Oh right, they were taken away by Ben and the others.
Theresa:What did we inject with or draw blood for Jack? It's not going to be open. Don't waste your strength, my friend. I'd be so scared, honestly. What the fuck? Oh, it's glass. Lol.
Theresa:Reminds me of those kids who, what the hell? Reminds me of one of those kids who run into them on the tick tocks. You know those compilations. I don't know what that means. Run into them on the TikToks. You know those compilations. I don't know what that means. Oh, jack, I don't think you can break this.
Theresa:Also, sawyer was with, also with you. Maybe ask where both of them are. Oh my God, whose feet are these? My God, poor Kate, that's terrifying to wake up to. Do you get clean clothes after you shower you. I hate the way we need to see them take the cotton ball tape off. Now, where's soy at? Oh, in a cage, okay, is that a child on the in the other cage? Teen poor thing? Also a plant like goodwin and ethan? Is this some? Is this kind of like mousetrap? Well, the kid didn't move, so it must be no big deal. Didn't even flinch. Oh, now there's advice. I don't know what that means either. Oh shit, that's fucked up. You good Sawyer Jack's arms. This season get a plus 50, and oh my god, that climbing sitch was sexy.
Theresa:Is Juliet on the other side of the glass? Did we even get an intro or are we just into it? Did I miss the sound? Oh, it's divorce time. I'm guessing she didn't go very far. Like he can still hear all the giggles there, I'm just saying oh, jack, knowing won't change anything, my dude, I like that he finally calls them his friends. I like that Juliet is so calm while he's yelling at her. Granted, she's no bueno. Also very different scenarios.
Theresa:These three are in Um, where are Kate's clothes? Why they gotta be so cryptic? How hot was your shower in that giant room that there's steam all up on that mirror. Is that even possible? Who the hell is he? I should be smarter, bet I should be smarter, ben probably. Who are these people walking her down? One is a gun. Two are just chilling. Honestly, if it weren't so terrifyingly unknown, i'd'd be like this is kind of nice, but Ben is creepy AF.
Theresa:Is it morning time? Is that why there's coffee and eggs and handcuffs? Run to the sea, kate. Run to the sea. Put them on yourself if you want them tighter Gs.
Theresa:What did you do with Sawyer and Jack? Does the order really matter? Is she allowed to eat? Ben is so creepy it's not even funny. So unpleasant. Why I'm uncomfy. What the hell are you doing, jack? Maybe we stop fixating on the name. Oh, what the hell Jack needs to take a second.
Theresa:Christian is right here. I don't like the way he says being a drunk is not an obsession to Christian. I don't know. It felt off to me for some reason. I can't explain it. Is he drinking ceiling drippies? Ew, ew.
Theresa:What the hell jack looks fucked. How long has he been in there, jack? I think they know about you already, my dude. They know everything about you, I'm pretty sure, because you know, ethan. Why tell the truth, truth. Now jack angrily lie and then answer honestly how random. I probably wouldn't trust her, even though she sounds very pleasant.
Theresa:Valid questionid question Jack, what is going on? How long has it been? What's Kate up to? What is happening? Who is this kid and why is he helping? As bad as that was Juliet, that was kind of terrifying. So they know Carl and they have him locked up. Why, how long has this been? Jack seems delirious and just fucked up. Why do we think she's a doctor, jack? Because of what's going to happen to you if you don't eat, just eat, otherwise you're probably going to die or something. I mean, I will say she's not wrong about him probably feeling like he's giving up, but man, he looks worse for wear. Jack does not think his dad is pork and Sarah and the chops that would be so effed up. Oh, you're going to follow him. I, yeah, where are this? Jack is very confrontational today. I see Jesus Jack settled down, paranoid much. Oh, no, you're going to try to run.
Amanda:Aren't you, are you okay?
Theresa:Okay, back in, he's got a lot of energy for someone who hasn't eaten in a while. Jack, you can't kill people. It goes against your oath. What's beyond that door? Oh my god, ben, you're a jackass. Oh shit, that's water.
Theresa:Okay, I'm having a hard time because I stan a badass woman. But also she just hit him in the face. Okay, seriously, how long has it been? I can't figure it out. It's bothering me. Also, what is sawyer doing, hey, I mean? I mean, if you're hungry, you're hungry, I get it, but how? Also, how did he figure that out? And it's only been a day.
Theresa:What's happened to Jack? The looks on the face is I can't. Oh my god. And the way he says you, okay, freckles Kills me. Did Kate not eat breakfast with Ben? Good for her, I guess. I wonder what these fish biscuits taste like. Oh, wow, he's figured it all out, even though he's all fucked up. That's pretty impressive, but I'm straight up lost. Ha, yikes, they know everything. It's so creepy. I swear to bejeebers. If he asks who Sarah was seeing, I'm going to lose it. Get over it, jack. Oh, okay, he already knows. I guess he doesn't know his name, but still, oh, that's the right question, jack, I see growth. He's such a sad panda, you know, for a captor she's really quite polite. This is going to be an issue Ugh. Ben gives me such the uncomfies, but I like that. She clearly doesn't like Ben.
Amanda:Finn Ooh okay, wow yeah, finn, oh okay, wow. Yeah, there's a lot to unpack yeah, yeah um yes porking in the chops where can you repeat that one line to us again? I'd like to hear that again. Surely he's not, doesn't?
Theresa:think it's just porking her in the chops how is that phrased? Okay, jack does not think his dad is pork and sarah the chops in the chops I've heard someone said that in something once and then it like really stuck with me oh uh, yeah, unfortunately it does appear that jack believes that his dad is pork and sarah and the chops oh, okay yeah, um oh wow, good, good stream of consciousness theresa um, I thought it was really cute.
Amanda:Just I don't want to forget to say it later because I would want to bring it up in the discussion, but you brought it up. When he says to her what are, are you a doctor or whatever? And she's like no, I'm a repo woman. I thought that was so cute because he had said he was a repo man and she knows he's a doctor, so I thought that was just like a really cute way for her to kind of like joke around with him to be like oh no, I love, so you're going to find out she's a doctor that doesn't become clear.
Amanda:Um, I thought that was really cute. Her character is so good.
Kip:It's the best, okay, so first question, or first point. The opening scene is amazing.
Amanda:So good I love that.
Kip:But why does Ben say I guess I'm out of the book club? I don't get that.
Amanda:Cause he wasn't invited.
Kip:But so like was he in the book club.
Amanda:Yeah, and you see that later, I think in a flashback too.
Kip:Oh, but Julia just didn't invite him to this one.
Amanda:Yeah, and that's why I think he says in their discussion whoever that, whatever character that is, says like.
Kip:I guess that's why Ben wasn't invited to this one because he wouldn't like this book. Right, right, you do. I do think there is a flashback later on where you do see that I think ben might have even started the book club. Yeah, I remember the something further, but I couldn't remember why he said that and I didn't put two and two together, that he just truly didn't invite him and I I know why, just having seen the rest of the show.
Amanda:But it does make sense so I think that's just his like cheeky way, because they had and in theory maybe he never would have known about it.
Kip:Had like they, not all run out and she's still holding the book, so I think that's more because he does look at it and he's like like it's just a ben way of saying like I know what's going on yeah, I know what's going on and, like the reality, has been probably already new, he knows
Kip:everything, but I thought that he has such good little it does like I remember watching it and when ben walks out of the house, like when the plane's crashing, it just gives me chills because, like, at that point, you see, you don't really know who juliet is, you don't really know these other people. I don't think at that point we had seen ethan, like you saw his legs. But then, as soon as ben walks out, you're just like oh, oh, fuck.
Kip:Yeah, like gives me chills. I love that part.
Amanda:Cause, even like when he says that's probably why Ben wasn't invited. You don't necessarily know that that's like.
Kip:I don't think we knew his name. Or do they say it in the finale of season two? I can't remember because no, like it's not a spoiler or anything it's just like back. Oh, I don't know yeah, I think they do say it. I feel like we, oh, they do, because tom friendly says something and then he's like I guess we're not using our? Yeah aliases anymore or something like that.
Amanda:That's right but yeah, it was, uh, it was really once, you see, and then you didn't know the level of organization yet. Yeah, right, like you didn't know, like you knew it. So, like, clearly, cause there was a time where we thought they all lived in huts and then there was a time where we thought they were on you know, like we still don't know enough about how the others live so to even have them run out. Maybe this was, they knew each other from somewhere else. This is, maybe this was going to be a ben flashback to ben's life, right, you don't it all kind of coalesces into that moment of like, oh shit, that's the plane crash, right, because that's when I first saw it. I I did think they were talking about ben, like when they're talking in the book club and then they run out and you see him. I thought it was going to be a flashback to Ben's pre Island life because you don't know how he ended up on the Island.
Amanda:And then you see, oh shit, no, no, no, this is now. This is how they're living here. Yeah, 60 days ago, presumably into now. It's creepy.
Kip:And ago presumably into now. It's creepy and that's why I think it's honestly probably the best season opener other than the the series premiere. But like, because you do get this creepy factor of everything you just described and you get this overview of the island and you see like the smoke over here and the village in the middle of this huge island and you see like where the planes crashed and the cockpit and the tailies, like you kind of get this sense of wow, it's big and yet there's this whole society going on that they had no idea, that they had no idea about and we're kind of learning this and it's like whoa, just like the curtains been pulled.
Amanda:Yeah, very true, so cool it is been pulled, yeah very true, so cool. It is, I think, kind of the first like overview we get. I think so, yeah, point, okay, so well, they were over there dying and they were over here trying to survive this whole society of evil people. At this point, because the only experience we have with them is ethan, yeah, goodwin and ben and the kidnappings, and kidnappings and attacks and deceit. So you're like what is happening and I really did think it was going to be the beginning of a flashback.
Theresa:That's fair.
Amanda:It was really cool. It gives me chills.
Kip:Yeah, I loved it.
Amanda:And again, can we talk about a show that's introducing these entirely new? I know lots of shows will bring in characters every season or whatever to mix it up entirely new, like I know lots of shows will bring in characters every season or ever mix it up. But to bring in like such, like an embedded concept of a character and just like open the season with that yeah like what? Who's juliet?
Kip:no one knows yeah, why is she?
Amanda:important? We don't know yeah, why do we already feel for her yeah oh, it's really incredible yeah well done.
Kip:Yeah, so should we talk about flashbacks or on island stuff? Why are you rolling your eyes?
Amanda:about the flashbacks. Jack is such an asshole in this episode and then, like we kind of have to talk about, it with it because then it leads into like the best moment like parallels. Yeah, he's such an asshole, but then he has such a beautiful moment okay, I don't think he's an asshole like Like.
Kip:I think he needs to chill, he needs to chill, but it's just like why is no one being straight with him? Like why wouldn't his dad, instead of giving him fucking riddles and being like blah, blah, blah, just be like no, I'm not sleeping with your fucking wife, you asshole.
Amanda:Well, he kind of did because he said, scared for you, she wasn't like because we're banging or porking each other in the chops as I now know what to be called like, because I remember thinking that too after.
Amanda:So I did watch. I watched it two months ago when we were going to record. And then I watched it today and I remember thinking that it was going to be more vague. And then when I watched it today, I'm like no, like yes, he doesn't actually come out and say jack, we're not sleeping together. But he does say like. He's like why is she calling you? He doesn't ask him at that point are you sleeping with her? He says why are you? Why is she calling you? And he's like because she's scared for you, because she's afraid.
Kip:That's not a terrible explanation I don't know and, like sarah, just being so fucking like elusive and just like it doesn't matter. And it's like, well, it clearly fucking does matter to him, like he's going through hell. You cared about this man at some point.
Amanda:Give him some fucking peace and I don't know if you thought your husband was unstable, though, and you're going through this contentious divorce that he's not letting go. Would you give him the name of the new person you were dating?
Kip:Well, I don't know, but it's just like in this capacity I just felt like no one was being straight with Jack, and I can't necessarily fault him for getting extremely frustrated that he feels like no one's being honest with him.
Amanda:Fair, can you fault him for pulling her phone records?
Theresa:That was weird. I mean, you do what you gotta do.
Amanda:I'm gonna tell you my experience in life is that the criminal justice system might fault you for that right. It's, it's extreme like this is not. I think she has the right to be afraid. I think his dad has the right to be concerned. This is not a normal behavior for anyone, but definitely not normal behavior for stoic, well-put-together Dr Jack. Like he can't, there's that scene where he can't even answer the nurse because, he's so obsessed.
Kip:I don't know if he is like stoic and well-put-together. Most of this backstory of Jack is that he's always in like panicking or he's doing something wrong because he's like kissing the, the daughter of the man he's operating on, like he's always kind of fucking up and like I don't know. It's just I felt a little on jack's side being like, yeah, if these people could just fucking communicate something a little bit better, he might not have felt the need to barge into his death a a meeting oh god super awkward and assault him, yeah and I think, where I kind of come on this is like I don't know, having dealt with lots of people like this, if information would have actually helped him at that point.
Amanda:Like I don't think necessarily that her being, like his name is John Smith, I met him at a coffee shop and we've been banging for six months was going to result in Jack being like oh my God, thank you, that's all I need to know and walk away.
Kip:Yeah, because I do also have in my notes, like her telling Jack wouldn't, he wouldn't have stopped, he would just be like I'm going to find out the next thing and the next thing.
Amanda:So that's why I don't necessarily I think that that's why they didn't necessarily give him a straight answer Particularly, I think, for Sarah is, like she's, I think she is worried, like he has become like obsessed with this idea of like saving their marriage and like figuring out what's going on, and that like if because, like she said at the end, right now you have something to fix, like that's part of it. It's like he would just get more information and then use that to move on to the next step of like okay, now I know who it is and like now can I figure out this about him. And so I think that, yeah, it was probably frustrating for him not to know, but I think it would have been dangerous to give him more information, because he is an intelligent man and he is a capable man and he is dangerous at times, um, and I think that he would have just kept running with it. So I do understand why they they didn't necessarily.
Amanda:I think the fact that he showed up at his dad's aa meeting realized it was an aa meeting what I would have liked to have seen in that scene if, like it's a great scene, but if, if it was rational, real life. What I think would have and should have happened is he should have been like oh shit, this is my dad's aa meeting. The fact that he then like kind of doubled down and then used it as an opportunity to like still go at this point like you followed him there thinking he was going to hook up with your wife that's you now have concrete proof that that's not what's happening. He's at an aa meeting and you still decide to go down this path of attacking and humiliating him at like a sacred thing.
Kip:It's completely unhinged yeah, it's, it's um. I also don't think an a. I mean, I've never been to an a meeting but I don't know if the coordinator would be like why don't you take a seat and join us?
Amanda:I would have to assume that, saying to him your dad has told us about you would be some sort of confidentiality breach Exactly.
Theresa:I've also never been to an.
Amanda:AA meeting, but I think they're supposed to be confidential.
Kip:I think so. It would be one thing to ask him to stay. What's the anonymous part?
Amanda:It might be enough to be like hey, you seem troubled.
Kip:Would you like to join us for?
Amanda:some reflection and coffee. Your father's told us about you. I was like I don't think, so I don't think you're supposed to say that maybe the ass went through him over the edge what the fuck, why are you talking about me? And why is this not confidential like? I always assumed it would be.
Kip:Oh god, it was not a good light for Jack this flashback.
Theresa:No, no, this is not my favorite iteration of Jack he. I don't particularly love when he's like yelling and kind of unhinged, but in this it was just like it. Like it was like he started kind of crazy and then just got more and more insane and like I I'm not a fan of the yelling, I'm not a fan of the like kind of creepy, lurky, stocky. Like I need to know, I need this, I need that. Like I don't love that part of the of him in this.
Amanda:But I also understand like you're in a tough situation, but I don't love it well, just honestly, that last bit that landed him in jail isn't the only thing of that that should have landed him in jail. The stalking should have landed him in jail. The pulling her phone record should have landed him in jail.
Amanda:Like he's quite lucky that anyone cared enough about him at that point to come in and get him. And I think that is them giving him the benefit of the doubt. Because it is like I know I hear what you're saying about how it's not completely out of character that he becomes obsessive and like makes errors, but that level is, I think, out of character for him. Like he's not. He's still a good man who cares and helps people. Like I don't think he realized that his obsession was hurting other people until kind of that like rock bottom moment and I don't think he'd be okay with that. Like clearly something changes at this point because we get to that part at the end which I don't want to talk about yet, but it's just very beautiful. But, um, he just is, he's not. He can't accept that. That it's a classic jack episode of showing us what is ultimately the big overarching thing for jack. He cannot let go and he cannot accept what's happening to him. And we see it on island with julianne like she's not being, like yeah, she, they're holding him captive, it's not great that totally, but she's being quite friend like reasonable yeah polite and and he can't play ball right well, he's
Kip:being polite I can't, I can't, yeah, okay, but he's being held against his will for sure.
Amanda:No, no, I don't think he's up. I think what he does on Island makes more sense than what he does A hundred percent flashback.
Kip:Yeah, I don't know, it's tough.
Amanda:He's. He does a great job Like Matthew Fox is none of the criticism of these scenes is a criticism of his acting.
Kip:I was just thinking, like you know. So, as everybody knows, Matthew Fox wasn't in the documentary. He's really sort of taken a step back from the spotlight since lost. Been in a few things, nothing like huge. But I ever wonder if, like maybe six years of like yelling at the top of your lungs almost every episode was just like holy fuck, I'm done with this shit, Like they put them through so much intensity.
Amanda:He has an exceptionally emotional story arc.
Kip:Yeah, it's so intense and like that would be a lot as a human being and an actor to do and then be like oh my God, I'm done, I'm just done.
Amanda:That's the thing is like a lot of people are like, oh, he stepped away because of this and it wasn't his choice, and this and that I wouldn. It's like a lot of people are like, oh, he stepped away because of this and it wasn't his choice, and this and that I wouldn't be surprised here that it was entirely.
Kip:Matthew fox's choice to take years off from. This was an exceptionally, emotionally very taxing, taxing role from day one, yeah, of running out onto the beach.
Amanda:Yeah, today, whatever it is when it ends, it's nothing but intense emotion for matthew fox yeah, and then he carried the show as the lead, which means all the press, all of the interviews, all of the downtime, you know, and I think he had a family and I think he was doing a few like things on the side, like movies and stuff. Like I have to assume, matthew Fox is just solely exhausted at this point.
Kip:I mean after, like, oh my God, six seasons of this.
Kip:Yeah so.
Amanda:So, but it is, this is a and the thing is he like I get emotional watching it. Like I, I feel for him.
Kip:Because he's so good Like Matthew Fox is an actor.
Theresa:Oh yeah, he did a great job.
Amanda:And it's just like it could be almost comical if it was with a lesser actor yeah, it would be like, oh god, the secondhand embarrassment I have yeah, cringy, but like no, he sells it so good no, I feel so much, I fundamentally disagree with everything he's putting himself, sarah and his father through, but I feel that like rawness and, like you know, he like he's at a point like when his dad, what really for me is kind of the point where I realize he's, he's kind of gone at this point, he's kind of gone off. The deep end is when his dad comes in, when he's phoning people and he doesn't stop, he doesn't try to hide.
Amanda:He doesn't try to like yeah he's still doing it like as if, like, this is yeah what he does now and it's totally fine, totally normal, yeah, yeah no, big deal yeah like he's gone to a dark place by that point yeah right and that's scary and it's, you know, I feel for everyone involved, because he didn't want to end up there, right.
Kip:Yeah, all right, let's move to on island.
Kip:This is getting tense Just thinking about Matthew Fox's performance. So we don't know, let's. Let's move to Kate Sawyer. Let's talk about Kate first. Like the dress thing was weird. Her whole, that whole fucking thing was just bizarre, so weird. I don't, I don't like I. I kind of understand some of the things ben's saying based on what's coming up, but it also is just like bizarre to me it's so unsettling yeah, it's so like is he literally just trying to fuck with her?
Amanda:I feel like everything he does is a psychological game like, unless he is just like, unless it was like more of a storyline choice of like, still trying to paint ben in a certain light like ben's a creep like ben's gonna take the female of the group that he's taken and like clean her and put her in a dresser up like a doll and like worship her a little bit more.
Amanda:So I wasn't sure if it was like kind of that. But then it is also like we know that her being a female of a certain you know demographic is going to be important to him, knowing what we know coming down the pipeline. So it's like, does he just give care to all women? Is he creepy or is it just that women are very important to them, or is it?
Kip:he's like putting, like, like you say, a psychological test to see maybe what his future with kate is yeah, it was very bizarre, but it's fucking weird, it's unsettling, it's so creepy and like, yeah, the shower scene, she gets a change of clothes, breakfast on the beach and this very like honeymoon-esque type thing when she like walks to the beach and he's just sitting there like I'm like no absolutely not just shoot me now shoot me oh yeah and just and then.
Amanda:But then that like delivery, like fuck, he's a good actor too like michael emerson, uh, who was delightful in the documentary as well. Um, but fuck, like when he's just like, which is like? Why are you doing this? He's just like I wanted you have all these things because the next two weeks for me very difficult I'm like holy shit, like I got chills.
Kip:I'm like that's just a deadpan delivery of that.
Amanda:Like it's coming, yeah, and she acts it really well too, because you can just see her face drop.
Amanda:Because she's playing it kind of like I don't care. And then when he says that her whole like just this, also like what the fuck does that mean?
Kip:What's going to happen?
Amanda:Very well done it's really, the level of tension in this episode is so good.
Theresa:So much tension.
Amanda:And you know it's kind of funny. So we get Kate being kind of coddled and cherished by Ben.
Kip:And we get.
Amanda:Juliet patiently helping Jack, come to whatever it is.
Kip:And then we get.
Amanda:Sawyer in a cage. It's clearly just the.
Kip:At this point he's almost just like we need a light a lightness to the episode Some comic relief.
Theresa:Let's put him in a cage.
Kip:And get him to figure out the bear that was funny.
Amanda:He's like it only took the bear like two hours and he's like dancing when he got it.
Kip:so good yeah so good no, so this was like classic sawyer.
Amanda:It was really good yeah if I was gonna be in a situation like what they're in right now, I would fucking want to be a sawyer. Like you know, that sawyer is going to like keep spirit, like yeah, if, like I was like dying in a desert, I would want sawyer there. I think he could like keep you. Like, yeah, if, like I, was like dying in a desert, I would want sawyer there. I think he could like keep you alive with just like his personality yeah and like perseverance and stuff.
Kip:Yeah, yeah, so, um, yeah, kate has this weird interaction with ben that gets dragged back to the cages, where he's in a cage with some guy named Carl, who we do learn much more about but don't know anything about at this time. Juliet's pretty badass knocks Carl out.
Amanda:Yeah, that was so funny, or?
Kip:is it Sawyer? She knocks out. I think Sawyer, oh yeah because I'm like oh my God, it's their first interaction.
Amanda:I know, yeah, so she knocks Sawyer out, yeah, yeah, and that's the thing, right, it's like, it's super, I think, good of us to again. It's like one of those things where we see her as kind of like emotionally vulnerable and in her flashback for lack of a better word, it is older than the time and then we see her as like very calm and peaceful and pleasant with jack, but then we can see that that's not all she has no, there's a lot more to her she's.
Amanda:This is a choice with jack like she's choosing, because if she wanted to, she could just be heavy-handed with jack as well. Yeah, right, so that was, I think, really shocking to me. I was like, okay, all right, there, there's her other hood coming out.
Kip:Yeah, totally Others 101. Yeah, and so we don't really get much out of Sawyer and Kate other than just they're in this new predicament. And it is kind of shocking, coming from season two where it was beach heavy. Now we're in a totally new set, totally new scenery, totally new place. Don't know anything about it. Kate and Sawyer are locked in cages that are very zoo-like, and Jack's in some internal prison cell. That's.
Theresa:Greenish and weird.
Kip:And okay.
Kip:So then like he gets Funny story when I was researching, when he like climbs that chain thing or tries to when you commented on it I was like it's funny, cause I came up with some of the research where I don't know if it was cause it's interesting how JJ wrote, co-wrote this episode when he really didn't have kind of, after the first couple episodes of season one, he took a step back to do other things and, as we learned in the documentary and then so it's really cool to see that he actually did come back and write a couple episodes, this one included. But um, so I think it was jj, it could have been carlton or damon, but he said to jack bender like what you're gonna? What's like he's gonna climb a chain, like what the hell is that? And he and jack bender was quoted as saying don't worry, matthew fox will sell it.
Kip:Yeah, and he did like as per theresa's commentary but it's just like he's in this weird place where there's chains and tables and one-way glass or two-way, I guess, just regular glass, it's just glass, two-way glass, two-way glass as it's known.
Amanda:Yeah, no, it's. He's doing well for himself in terms of his abilities in there.
Kip:And yeah, and Juliet's just like this whole back and forth and they have him his whole life in a dossier or folder.
Theresa:She says yeah yeah, like that'd be unsettling that'd be. So I'd be like okay and we're done.
Kip:How, how thick would your dossier be if someone presented you with your folder of your life? Mine would be pretty thin I think, oh, no way yeah your family alone oh, I guess. I guess, if you add my family, then it would be quite thick your dynamics, mine might be quite pleasantly plump, yeah, I think mine would be too I mean everybody's is, I guess, right like no one lives actually a simple life.
Amanda:Everyone's got complexes and what ends up being like. Because essentially like, why compile things like those dossiers is to be able to kind of get an in right, like to get you know sometimes what you think is important isn't important and things you don't think are important are important.
Amanda:So I actually do think all of our dossiers would be quite plump yeah but because, yeah, then she ends up knowing stuff about sarah, she ends up knowing about, yeah, but so you know it's interesting, like what, when you're first watching this, like what do you think is like? Let's just, you know, take it back to when we didn't know what was going on. When you, you first saw this, what did you think was the point of having Sawyer where he was, having Kate where she was? What did you think Juliet's trying to do with Jack? Like what was your thoughts?
Kip:I mean, I think it's hard for me to remember, but like I think maybe it was just separation and kind of like when police separate suspects to see if, like, the stories jive.
Kip:But I don't think they were trying to see if their stories jive, obviously because they know everything about them, but just to to see maybe what they could learn when they're separated and individualized and just how maybe they act. And ben and his fucking mind games is probably just like questions, exactly like oh, I just need to learn your first, in that order. Like like what does that matter? But like he's got weird mind games like so I think that was it is just what do they learn seeing how they act? And then what can they use against them? Like obviously ben feels now that kate is more inclined to know about sawyer, so he's like, oh, I can probably use that against her and Sawyer.
Theresa:Yeah, yeah, I kind of thought something similar, like kind of like um, like an interrogation or something like that, like why else would you separate them? But also to kind of like put fear in them for like the people that they're with, and like kind of use that to like manipulate them to get what they want out of them.
Amanda:What do?
Theresa:they want out of them, kind of what do they want out of them? Is that? That's my point, is like when you first saw this like what's the end game here?
Amanda:no, no idea, like literally none, and that's what I mean. Like isn't that crazy yeah, like when you really think about that, like most shows, you would have some inkling of like where this was going. I have zero if I don't know. Do you know what? I mean and this idea that, like what if they have this island and they have a society, and they're there and they don't want them?
Kip:they're just why aren't they killing them? Kill them. And the even crazier, that it's season three I know and now we're, we're met with this entirely new mystery. Exactly that. What do they want with them?
Amanda:because, if it, really is just that they're there and at this point they do know a lot about how, who, all they are, etc. But there's like clearly something so much more sinister at play here that like I can't even fathom yeah yeah, and to think back on the idea which was again confer, which is everyone has kind of known this for years but they did talk about in the documentary that ben in particular was not supposed to be a character Like, he was supposed to have a three character arc and the got any milk solidified him as coming on, so he wasn't even supposed to play the role he is.
Amanda:So what would have been the?
Kip:trajectory. That's kind of crazy to think about. Yeah, that's actually interesting. Like I wonder, like would it just be?
Amanda:Juliet, would it have been, or is this a whole thing new? Like what do they want with them? Would it just be Juliet, would it have been, or is this a whole thing new, like what do they want with them? It's really even knowing kind of what's coming. I'm still like it's so convoluted in the best way. Convoluted has kind of a pejorative sound to it, but I really mean it in like a more like a very complicated yeah that you can't even fathom. Really it's crazy's crazy.
Theresa:no, and and you're right like, especially when you think of movies or shows, whenever there's like a villain, and in this case we assume, based on what we've learned in the last two seasons, that the others are the villain to our um like little yeah to like our castaways or whatever, like we don't know the intent and that is, you're right Like very scary, unsettling yeah.
Amanda:And so I almost feel like you're feeling it with Jack Caden swear A lot of times the audience, in lots of things, the audience knows less. In some things, the audience knows more than the characters. In this. I feel like I I know what the characters know, which is very little almost nothing. Almost nothing. And I'm like like I would imagine at a certain point Sawyer's probably like they're all thinking just kill us then. Like what do you want?
Kip:Like we came here with nothing.
Theresa:It's almost like they're just being played with.
Amanda:Yeah, yeah. So it's really, it's cool, but it's scary, and I think the whole, like the way everyone, everyone's kind of playing it right now, like tom is kind of like the bad cop to juliet's good cop and ben kind of being the like overseer, um. And then we see, though, that ben will also so, talking about the on island stuff, and how jack does, jack does eventually juliet's trying to get him to eat food, whatever, and he eventually attacks her to try to escape. Yeah, uh, makes sense. I think that's pretty on brand and I mean, shoot your shot, you know, um. But what I found interesting about that scene is that ben is very quick to cut juliet, totally like oh yeah he's ready, just like.
Kip:All right, she'll die anyway.
Amanda:Yeah so it's terrifying so then it's also like now we have this new layer of like she's part of the bad guys, but like even the bad guys are willing to turn on each other.
Kip:She's dispensable like who is dispensable.
Amanda:Who's not? Is it because they have a history? Or is it just because he would do that to anyone like I don't know? Um, but how shocked were you to find out that they're on a submarine they're not aren't they on a sub? What are they in? No, they're in an aquarium well, you know what I mean, though like underwater underwater underwater like yeah, that's what I meant yeah, it was shocking yeah, like they're submerged they're submerged. They're submerged I was thinking about this finale spoiler alert there's a submarine near water.
Amanda:I'm not sure, that's a big spoiler alert you guys like?
Kip:no, it was very surprising to be like thinking, oh, they're underwater and why? But why so did something flood or break? Because why would that door just open to water?
Amanda:I don't know. I don't know enough about underwater I don't know how aquariums work I don't really like water doors to the ocean. I don't think so. I don't think there's door.
Kip:I don't know how aquariums work. I don't really like water. I don't think there's doors to the ocean. I don't think so. I don't think there's doors.
Amanda:I don't think who's walking out that door.
Kip:Yeah, what's the door there for Something must have broke and it got flooded. And then it's like, well, I guess we can't get the water out of there now, so nobody used that door. Maybe, but yeah except maybe, but yeah, the fact that ben was willing to be like okay, so yeah I'm gonna lock myself in this room and save myself yeah, he's an asshole it was very scary, very ominous, but yeah, so that's kind of how it ends. We just, it's like, we just don't know nothing.
Amanda:We're just like terrified for everybody well, how it really ends is we get another beautiful scene with juliet and jack?
Theresa:which scene where now she admits that she knows that they know everything about.
Amanda:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah and we get what I think is a really beautiful idea that things are changing, which is we still are, we're kind of. This is still interspersed with the flashbacks of him being crazy about sarah and wanting to know, like up until, like, she walks away from him. Right, she's like I want to know who he is, and sarah says it's not about who he is, it's about who you're not. And then this idea that he has something to save now with his father, and then on island, we have juliet saying I know everything about this and I know everything about sarah, and and he and she's like what do you want to know? And you would think that he wants to still know, like the name where he.
Amanda:What's she doing? Who's she with? What happened with this?
Amanda:and all he asks is if she's happy and then she's, juliet gives the sweetest like response, like she's really happy yeah and jack just breaks down right because, at the end of the day, he is in a better place than he was, I think, and he realizes that what's important and what's not. And he, I do genuinely believe in that moment that what matters to him is if sarah is happy, and that is not what mattered to him when he was at his lowest point with her right so I I get chills with that scene because I think it's really beautiful.
Amanda:It is beautiful and just seeing that emotional catharsis for him of like, okay, she's happy, I have to move on, this is my reality. And then it kind of like at that point he's willing to kind of give in to Juliet's request that he back down.
Theresa:So why do you think he was willing to accept it now? Like why do you think he was willing to accept it now? Like why do you think that that was his question and not Well.
Amanda:I think it's because he, you know, I think what, what we're supposed to glean and kind of everything we've seen so far is that incident with his father and, like the AA meeting is what sends Christian back on a downward spiral, which sends him back into the drinking and stuff, which sends him back into getting fired, which sends him into Australia, which sends Jack to Australia and Christian being dead.
Amanda:And so I think Jack probably has done a bit of an emotional, you know, come to Jesus moment. Yeah, about my actions, directly or indirectly, have hurt a lot of people. Yeah, and they have led me. They've led me to not only my losing my father and losing everything. But now I'm here, I'm responsible for people who are getting hurt. I'm responsible for us being here, I'm responsible for us being kidnapped. He takes a lot on himself and I think he's just realizing now that, like, in the end, what really only matters is like if the people you love are okay and safe and happy and he's not as worried anymore about he's realized it like she said it doesn't matter what happened or didn't happen, it just matters that she's okay.
Kip:It doesn't matter what happened or didn't happen, it just matters that she's okay. Like 68 days of him going through everything on the island has really like. What brought him to the island is his dad and all that and it really has changed him.
Amanda:And like you're starting, to see it.
Kip:You're starting to see that change, which is really cool when you think of the show, that we're starting to see that character change and like from where he was day one to where he is now, to where we eventually get to see him like it's a long journey, but it's really a good reminder that here we are in season three, episode one, and we're starting to see that change happen and so it's like some consistency is really nice and you know it just again leads to why we love this Just the character development and the character arcs are just so gorgeous.
Amanda:I bawled I'm not gonna lie when he said is she happy? And then she said and then she just has that perfect. Like you got like watch it again If you haven't watched in a bit like she just. I think she's also expecting, based on everything she knows about jack, for him to say where is she?
Kip:what's she doing?
Amanda:because then it's like when he asked that she has a piece on her face she's like she's yes, she is happy, like she's juliet almost seems happy that this is what the place jack's at with it. And then when he kind of loses it, it's just like, you know, it's a little thing, but it it just I don't know. It means so much to me as a, as a someone rooting for jack, that, like he can, it's like, oh, he's come so far he's grown, piece of yeah and it's hard to watch because clearly it's still hard for him but, like you, know that that's a piece of the growth and healing he needs to do.
Kip:Exactly, yeah, no, it's very, very good. So I think we're ready for some character ranking.
Amanda:Let's see.
Kip:Do we have them?
Theresa:Before we get to character rankings, I just want to talk about one quick note. Okay, Just one more time. The note that Kip wrote on our cute little whiteboard is um, Jack's so hot.
Amanda:You don't think we covered that enough? No, I just needed to bring it up one more time Like yoza, oh boy. You know, I think we need to talk about one other thing. That's just on the notepad, because we did talk about this in an overarching thing, but I don't think we really concentrated on this enough. It is weird that Jack thinks sarah's calling his dad, like I know it's the phone call, but is it that strange that your, your wife, would call her?
Kip:yeah, your father-in-law I know it's just like it's parent like took you there he's crossed into paranoia, yeah, like he's just lost essentially he's looking for any connection to, like, draw to, and it's just like because that is exactly how it's written.
Amanda:Jack thinking it's his fault, it's his dad, is weird it is weird it is super weird it is weird if my ex called my dad or my mom, I get whatever the whatever it is, I would not be like you guys. Are ph boning? I'd be like I don't know. You guys also had a relationship of some sort for years. Maybe you're still in touch.
Kip:No, they're porking in the chops.
Theresa:They're porking in the chops. No, he's just looking for answers anywhere. He's just grasping at straws, totally.
Amanda:Alright, do we have character rankings? Of course we have character rankings and is.
Theresa:Julia, just automatically at the top, despite starting at zero points when everyone else is in the thousands.
Amanda:Did she get a bonus 10,000 points for the sparkle in her eye?
Theresa:no, but I do love her. I'm going to turn our mics down, alright, so I still have Walt and Mike on here, but I can take them off for the next one. But at number 16 we have Michael with negative 7, 815, then we have charlie with negative 585, ben with negative 85, juliette with negative 30, walt with 315. Claire with 780. Locke with 1070. Jack with 1120. Sir with 1,225. Why was I saying numbers like that? It was so weird. Then our top five we have Jin with 1,275. Sun with 1,680. Echo with 1,695. Saeed with 1,680. Echo with 1,695. Saeed with 1,855. And at the top, our number one spot, our sweet, sweet Hurley with 2,225.
Kip:Okay, this is interesting because it's a brand new season and obviously the points carry over. So it's like, yeah, these characters are going to have a long way to climb. If they're going to climb, they may not, we know one will I know I wonder if there's like almost like.
Amanda:I'm not good at this stuff, but I wonder if there was like some way to run some real stats on your character rankings like what do you? Mean like if you took out like certain variables and put like limits and stuff on certain things, like if we could try to like even out to really figure out who is like certain people have come and gone, so they they kind of become stagnant at where they are versus some people who need time to catch up, like you're saying so really like if Juliet ends up with a thousand points and Hurley still gets to like 3000.
Amanda:And so he stays at the top of your rankings. Is that truly all encompassing of how you truly feel about where the character should be? You know what?
Kip:I'm saying I think, like perhaps what we'll do is keep your rankings as is, but what I what I'll need is the number that they changed from the last episode, the last episode being the finale of season two because then that will be the true representation. If Jack gained this many, he's actually at this level for season three and Juliet is at this level for season three. You know what I mean.
Amanda:Because it'll never like Juliet can't I just like the characters, or I don't like it, no, but what I think we're getting at is like to show truly your feelings on where these characters are. Juliet can't catch up to Hurley anytime soon.
Kip:Because I have the rankings from the when. I edit it. I track everything to make that fun graphic. So we'll be able to, because Hurley obviously got no points this episode. He wasn't in it.
Kip:So this is just his ranking from actually last season, but he's still at the top. So what we'll do is we'll just see, okay, whoever got points per episode. It's almost like a. We'll continue your. You don't change anything, teresa, you per episode. It's almost like a a we'll continue your, you don't change anything. Teresa, you do what you do, don't change anything, but we'll be able to look and see how people were ranked per episode and like start.
Kip:I can take those numbers, because Jack is at this and he was at that, so I can infer that he grew by this many, so he actually has the. The number that he grew by, or many, so he actually has the. The number that he grew by or shrank by is how many he got this.
Amanda:It's like representational, of like where your feelings are at, with them in the present, as opposed to just like overarching through the whole series because if every character from season one was in it to season six, then that would be a true representation of where they rank, but because now Anna Lucia cannot gain any points she might end up being below Michael if he came back and got, for example. No, I'm just saying in theory that could happen, but Michael would never be a character you like more than Anna Lucia.
Kip:Yeah, right.
Amanda:That's what I'm getting at. Yeah, I getcha I gotcha.
Kip:You don't got to change anything, yeah.
Theresa:Okay, you do, and I got this, yeah, yeah. At first I was like why don't I have?
Kip:to know you don't have to do anything different.
Theresa:We don't like never change, never change.
Kip:Okay, well, let's see what we thought. I mean, it's a pretty standard episode. I'm going to rank it a good 10 out of 10.
Theresa:Oh damn.
Amanda:I love this episode. It's just a standard episode, so 10 out of 10.
Theresa:Standard for loss 10 out of 10. I love that. That's a great quote. That's a good one, All right.
Kip:Teresa, would you rank it? I give it an 8. I love that. That's a great quote.
Theresa:That's a good one. All right, teresa. What'd you rank it? I give it an 8.5.
Theresa:It's not my favorite episode. It's a great episode. I love Juliet. She is a bad quote, unquote bad guy because she's an other, but like can't help but love her still somehow. Like it's crazy. Yeah, good episode overall, didn't love all the yelling.
Amanda:I just never do um.
Amanda:He is yelly yeah, yeah, yeah, I would also give it a 10 out of 10. I most it's a standard episode for loss. So 10 out of 10. As we've come to know, I think most premieres and finales of this show in particular are going to rank very high. Um, I do appreciate that. Um, we get a lot of like. I also do usually like jack's backstory because he's a really important character. So any sort of insight into a really important character is helpful. I think I've said in the past like they frustrate me. Frustrating me doesn't mean I don't like them, like I don't like. I said I don't agree with what he's doing in this episode, but I think it shows us like a lot about him and the stuff on Island I think is all really good. So I think it's a really solid start to a third season, which you know, a lot of times two second, third seasons can start to get that kind of like sophomore mid-range slump and this is just like gold yeah, and it's the.
Amanda:It's the last season of a full 20 plus episode season, so and I just want to say, in terms of introducing these characters, I do appreciate that other shows introduce characters throughout, like people come and go, they want to infuse new blood, etc. But this show to me is like Juliet's, a new character, but it seems whether this is accurate or not that she's new but was always supposed to be there, like it was always going to be, that she was a part of this universe Right, we just hadn't gotten to her yet. As opposed to be that she was a part of this universe right, we just hadn't gotten to her yet.
Kip:As opposed to just introducing her for the sake of yeah, new blood, I mean and that's hard to do the fact like, as you mentioned, the fact that it opened with this brand new character we had never seen before and, like you said, we're feeling for her already and connecting with her already is insanely amazing, yeah yeah and just like I think it, just exactly like you said, it feels like she should be here already.
Amanda:We're just finally getting to her.
Theresa:Yeah, exactly, introducing her, and it's great storytelling, it's great character development, because that's a lot of development in one episode. Totally Like it's it's so well done yeah.
Kip:Alrighty. Well, that's it for the season three, uh premiere. So thanks for listening to everybody. We'll, uh we'll, see you next week.
Amanda:See you for the last full season of. Lost.
Kip:All right, bye.